111th Annual Meeting: Volunteer Honoree Alan Ingber

JFCS will host its 111th Annual Meeting from noon to 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 9, on Zoom. At the event we will acknowledge the contributions of dedicated volunteers Jory Herman and Alan Ingber and generous business partner Affiance Financial. To RSVP for the Annual Meeting, click here!
Alan Ingber has volunteered in a number of areas at JFCS since the late 1990s, including the JFCS Annual Benefit, Hag Sameach program, driving clients to the Mental Health Support Services Seders and Chanukah parties, and Garber Transportation Services, where he has been a volunteer driver for 5+ years. He spoke about these experiences below:
How/why did you start volunteering with JFCS?
I think the first volunteering that I can remember was driving clients quite a few years ago to the Mental Health Support Services Seders and Chanukah parties. Some friends of ours might have mentioned that they needed drivers. It sounded pretty easy, so I did it and found it very rewarding and continued to do it for a number of years.
What made you want to continue volunteering for the agency over many years?
As I got more familiar with the organization, I learned how much they served not only the Jewish community, but the community in general. I felt I wanted to be a part of this organization, and in a small way, help it fulfill the needs of the people that are served by JFCS in so many different ways.
What is your favorite part about it?
I don’t know that I have a favorite part of the volunteering I have done, but I think the organization does a good job of finding many ways of providing opportunities for those who want to get involved in helping JFCS accomplish its many goals.
Why is giving back to the community something that’s important to you?
I have always felt it is important to give back to the community in any way we can. I have been involved in a number of organizations over the years and have hoped my participation in volunteer work would serve as not only an example to our kids, but also future generations in general to do what they can to make other peoples’ lives better no matter how small the role may be. I’ve realized I might get as much out of volunteering as the people I am able to assist.