113th Annual Meeting Volunteer Honoree: Kori Savitt

JFCS will host its 113th Annual Meeting from noon to 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 14, at JFCS (5905 Golden Valley Rd, Golden Valley). At the event, we will acknowledge the contributions of longtime, dedicated volunteers Kori Savitt and Senior Companions Elizabeth Balaeva, Lyudmila Baltyukova, Barys Brehman, Nadezhda Bronshteyn, Zhanna Gromyko, Igor Sagalov, Sam Shurslep, Viatcheslav Trusov, and Grigoriy Veksler. To RSVP for the Annual Meeting, click here!
Kori recently spoke about her experiences volunteering for JFCS:
What motivated you become a volunteer?
I always knew I wanted to volunteer at JFCS. It’s an organization that has helped my family and an enormous amount of people in many ways. I contacted (Community & Volunteer Engagement Manager) Dana Shapiro a few years ago and I was hooked!
What JFCS programs have you volunteered with?
I first started volunteering with JFCS by decorating and then delivering Chanukah bags (for the Hag Sameach Program) to Sholom Home. I then got more interested with the Hag Sameach program by “shopping,” making mitzvah bags, wrapping and delivering the presents. I volunteer for Cards for the Community program. I volunteer for Caring Connection events (Disability Services Manager Stacey Spencer is amazing). Most recently, I started volunteering for PJ Library. Last year, Hag Sameach Manager Mindy Teele (AMAZING) asked me to be a co-chair for Sorting/Organizing and Gift Wrapping and I was “in.” I also volunteer as needed in many different projects and events. It’s a beautiful thing what JFCS does and who they help.
How has being a JFCS volunteer impacted your life?
It brings a purpose to my day and life and it is such a rewarding feeling I get for helping JFCS – especially the people that JFCS serves.
Do you have a memorable story about your JFCS volunteer experience to share?
My favorite memory is my first event helping with a Caring Connections event at Beth El Synagogue, making challah, listening to stories and singing songs together. I am so grateful that (Disability Services Manager) Stacey Spencer reached out to me to volunteer.
How do you feel about being named one of JFCS’ Volunteer Honorees?
My first reaction was “no, not going” – I volunteer because I love helping people and the happiness I get for just helping. I feel very appreciated by everyone.