Staff Q&A: NextGen Coordinator Alyson Jones
How long have you worked at JFCS?
I have worked at JFCS for just over a year! I started June 1, 2020. Before that, I was a NextGen Board member for three years and was a NextGen participant for a couple years before that.
What is NextGen?
NextGen is a young adult and volunteering group that engages participants ages 21-36. Our mission is “to inspire the next generation to connect with one another and the Jewish community through Tikkun Olam (repair of the world).”
What are some volunteer opportunities has NextGen been involved in?
Over the past year, NextGen has been involved in PRISM’s Back to School Drive, JFCS’ Hag Sameach and Beyond the Holidays program, making Cards for the Community for JFCS program participants and making art and thank you cards for staff and faculty at Sholom Home and Jefferson Elementary School. In past years, NextGen participants have also volunteered with the JFCS Annual Benefit, ParentChild+ Graduation, Emergency Food Boxing, and with other local organizations.
What are your favorite parts about your job and working with your volunteers?
I have truly loved being a part of JFCS in a bigger way and learning more deeply about all of the incredible programs that JFCS has to offer. I supervise a Board of 10-12 young adults who help me plan and implement NextGen programming and volunteer opportunities. I am always so grateful for their drive and passion. NextGen would not be the same without all of their voices!
What are some things you have heard from NextGen Board Members about why they participate in the Board?
NextGen Board Members participate for many reasons; most of them revolve around wanting to be a part of the Jewish community in a different capacity and to continue to give back to JFCS.
What have you heard from NextGen participants about their volunteer experience with JFCS?
Over the last year, NextGen participants have been grateful for opportunities to volunteer – especially during isolated times. One of my favorite things I never get tired of hearing is how in awe volunteers are of the Hag Sameach warehouse (shout out to Mindy Teele and all of the Hag Sameach co-chairs and volunteers)! This year during Hag Sameach Passover delivery, one of our volunteers shared how meaningful it was when the program recipient showed so much gratitude and appreciation for what they had just received.
Anything else you want to add?
For more information about NextGen, or to get added to our mailing list, please email me at You can find us on Instagram: @nextgenjfcs or on Facebook: JFCS NextGen!