Staff Q&A: Food Security Coordinator Elena Ritz

Elena Ritz was recently hired as the JFCS Food Security Coordinator – below, she speaks about her background and how JFCS works to address food security challenges the community currently faces:

Why did the Food Security Coordinator position appeal to you?

My passion for food security has deep roots, starting from my childhood in Soviet Russia. Growing up, limited food availability was a reality due to political and economic challenges, and I saw how lack of access to food impacts families and communities.

In my career, I’ve worked with senior refugees and at WIC, which deepened my understanding of food insecurity in our communities. It felt like a role where I could make a tangible difference, especially for our seniors, who are often at risk of food insecurity.

Following several years of upheaval with the pandemic, inflation, etc., what are the biggest food security challenges right now?

The biggest challenge right now is the rising cost of living. Inflation has made it harder for people, especially those on fixed incomes like many seniors, to afford basic necessities. We’re also seeing a growing need for culturally-appropriate food and gluten-free options, which makes food access even more complex. The pandemic exposed a lot of cracks in our food systems, and many families are still struggling with those effects. The need for reliable and varied food options is greater than ever.

In what way is JFCS best equipped to help address food security?

Knowing food security is often just one facet in a more complex system, our holistic approach with individuals allows us to meet people where they are at, offering a variety of supports and services to meet their needs in a meaningful way.

Programs like Kosher Meals on Wheels cater specifically to seniors who keep kosher, ensuring they can maintain their dietary traditions, which is incredibly important for our senior clients. We offer emergency food boxes to anyone in need and can provide additional resources to help people maintain their well-being in a time of crisis.

What are you most looking forward to in your position?

Making a tangible difference is what excites me the most. I recently spoke with one of our Kosher Meals on Wheels clients and he told me that even though he is still able to cook easy meals for himself and his wife, receiving the Kosher meals from our program make a big difference in their lives. It provides them with variety, something different than what they would normally have, but most importantly, it’s the feeling that someone is looking out for them – especially as they age. That’s what I am the most excited about – being part of something that not only provides food, but also helps people feel connected and valued.

Anything else you would like to add?

I worked for JFCS’ refugee resettlement program many years ago and I am so happy to be back at the agency; it truly feels like coming home. I’ve received such a warm welcome from my wonderful colleagues during my onboarding, and I can’t wait to collaborate with everyone to make positive impact in our community.

For more information on the Food Security program click here or email Elena at