We are proud to say that for more than a century, we have been “family” to tens of thousands of people in the Jewish and general community. We look forward to being here for you, whenever you need us, for many years to come.


Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis provides essential services to people of all ages and backgrounds to sustain healthy relationships, ease suffering and offer support in times of need.


Based on the Jewish concept of Tikkun Olam (repairing the world), JFCS believes everyone is entitled to equal economic, political and social rights and opportunities. As a human service organization, we value:

Compassion – providing highest quality care and support through all stages of life
Inclusion – treating people of all ages, genders, sexual orientations, races, religions and abilities with dignity and respect
Innovation – anticipating community needs and responding with excellence, effectiveness and creativity
Integrity – working in a manner that is consistently ethical and accountable
Collaboration – establishing lasting partnerships in the community to broaden our impact and inform our work


Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis (JFCS) began in 1910. Then known as the Associated Jewish Charities of Minneapolis, the agency assisted the rising tide of Eastern European Jewish émigrés resettling in the Minneapolis area. Through the efforts of the Board of Directors and other volunteers, pioneering new Americans received financial and employment assistance, along with medical care. In 1914, the agency hired its first staff member to provide professional services to families.

In 1918 JFCS became a charter member of the United Way, then known as the “Town Tea Kettle” and later, the “Community Chest.” Ten years later, JFCS became a charter member of the newly formed Minneapolis Federation for Jewish Service – now known as the Minneapolis Jewish Federation. Today these two funding bodies continue to provide significant support for JFCS services and programs.

JFCS has expanded its staff from one to more than 120 people. What was once a handful of volunteers now numbers more than 700, and today JFCS provides a full spectrum of programs to address the crucial needs of more than 13,000 people who come to us every year.