November is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month

November is National Alzheimer’s Awareness Month, as well as National Caregiver Month. As a way to promote a better quality of life for people living with Alzheimer’s disease and other related dementias, JFCS and the Twin Cities Jewish Alzheimer’s Task Force hosted a Dementia Champion Training on Nov. 2.
Our community now has over 30 Dementia Champions who can go out into the community and teach the internationally-recognized Dementia Friends training. Dementia Friends is designed to help people realize that any small effort can change the experience for caregivers, as well as for the person living with this disease. Both JFCS and Jewish Family Service of St. Paul (JFS) support the work of the Alzheimer’s Task Force – together we have trained over 500 Dementia Friends in the past couple years.
In an effort to support caregivers for people living with dementia, JFCS offers Dementia Caregiver Coaching and Senior Care Planning consultations. Our highly trained staff can help caregivers navigate issues related to housing placement, translate challenging behavioral expressions, and provide support to encourage self-care so they can provide the best quality of care for their loved ones.
If you are caring for a person with memory loss, call us at 952-546-0616 to set up a consultation so we can help you plan for the future today.