From the Desk of CEO Judy Halper: July 2024

Judy Desk blog - laptop with plant and coffee cup It’s often said, “the more things change, the more they stay the same.” While taking my necessary daily hike last week, I passed two neighborhood lemonade stands where the child proprietors were advertising their summertime treats. While the refreshments looked pretty much the same as they di[...]

From the Desk of CEO Judy Halper: June 2024

Judy Desk blog - laptop with plant and coffee cup What would you do if you had a few more minutes of daylight? Hopefully you will answer that question quickly because we are approaching that time of year when, very gradually, the sunlight will start to diminish. Before you know it, we will be lamenting we didn’t do more with these precious long [...]

From the Desk of CEO Judy Halper: May 2024

Judy Desk blog - laptop with plant and coffee cup The calendar reminds me that it is still May, but oh, what a month it has been. While I never wish time away, I can honestly say I’m looking forward to June – when I hope things will be just a little calmer and when JFCS will hold its 114th Annual Meeting! Every May, I think the same thing [...]

From the Desk of CEO Judy Halper: April 2024

Judy Desk blog - laptop with plant and coffee cup If you’re reading this column, there’s a good chance you are a JFCS volunteer, or thinking about ways you might like to volunteer with the organization. To all of you who currently volunteer, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all you do to help JFCS meet the needs of so many in our co[...]

From the desk of CEO Judy Halper: March 2024

Judy Desk blog - laptop with plant and coffee cup Passover comes late this year. It begins at sunset on April 22, which does seem really, really late! Of course, those of us who celebrate Jewish holidays know the inside joke that our holidays never arrive on time – they are always early or late! When I was a young child, my entire extended fa[...]

A Q&A with JFCS’ new Chief HR and Administrative Officer Sheilah Howard

JFCS is excited to announce two new positions to its Executive Leadership Team. Amy Weiss has been named JFCS’ Chief Program Officer and Sheilah Howard has been named Chief HR and Administrative Officer. Howard, who previously served as JFCS’ Career Services Director, speaks below about why she[...]

A Q&A with JFCS’ new Chief Program Officer Amy Weiss

Amy Weiss JFCS is excited to announce two new positions to its Executive Leadership Team. Amy Weiss has been named Chief Program Officer and Sheilah Howard has been named Chief HR and Administrative Officer. Weiss, who previously served as JFCS’ Community Services Director, speaks below about why she is ex[...]

From the Desk of CEO Judy Halper: February 2024

Judy Desk blog - laptop with plant and coffee cup February is a very fitting month for Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis. Lots of people associate February with hearts and Valentine’s Day. For JFCS, not only is February the month of our founding (Feb. 10, 1910), but hearts are at the center of our much-loved logo (the Star of[...]

From the desk of CEO Judy Halper: January 2024

Judy Desk blog - laptop with plant and coffee cup New year, new beginnings….. In the first days of this new year, I have been approached by several people who are looking for ways to get more involved. Is it because January in Minnesota can be isolating due to cold weather and it’s just easier to stay indoors? Is it because the world can fe[...]

From the Desk of CEO Judy Halper: December 2023

Judy Desk blog - laptop with plant and coffee cup In a few days we will experience the winter solstice, and with it, the relief that little by little, daylight is beginning to accumulate. Eventually, we will experience more light with each passing day. Now more than ever, that light is so welcome. It is commonplace to remind people of the challeng[...]