Did you know that February is Family Life Education Month?

By Leah Persky • Family Life Education Manager   Family Life Education (FLE) has been a vital part of JFCS for more than 30 years. Over the years, Family Life Educators have focused on creating lasting collaborations with the community by providing opportunities that enrich the live[...]

MLK Day of Service, social justice and how to make a difference everyday

By Leah Persky • JFCS Family Life Education Program Manager   Monday, Jan. 21, was the MLK Day of Service. This annual event is not only an excellent opportunity to focus on the life and teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King and the many other leaders of the civil rights movement; it is a[...]

National Bullying Prevention Month: Issue affects children and adults

By Natalie Oleson, MSW, LICSW, JFCS Counselor, and Leah Persky, Ph.D, JFCS Family Life Education Program Manager   October is National Bullying Prevention Month, which is timely, since kids are typically just getting settled into school. Bullying can be categorized in a number of ways, i[...]

Summer reading: Good books don’t come in pink and blue

By Leah Persky • Family Life Education Manager   It is hard to ignore the fact that summer is slowly coming to an end: back-to-school sales are everywhere, the sun is setting earlier each evening, and the countdown to the first day of school has begun for many of us. While it is easy to[...]