From the Desk of CEO Judy Halper: December 2017

When mid-December comes around each year, I begin to crave daylight. Like everyone else, I notice how dark it is in the morning when it’s time to wake up and how quickly the daylight fades by mid-afternoon. The increasingly darkening days are necessary in order for us to appreciate the soon-to-come elongation of daylight and increasing sunshine. What an apt description and metaphor for the work Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis provides day in and day out!
At JFCS’ 29th Annual “Laugh on Their Behalf” Benefit, held on Dec. 2, we identified the “darkness” that many of our community members face daily or from time to time, and we featured recipients of our services describing how the lightness was returned to their lives with the help they received.
One of our clients gleamed when she said, “you helped my kids get to be kids,” relating how JFCS provided gifts for the holidays and scholarships for summer camp experiences. Though a single mother with three young children who can typically provide for herself and her family, she said JFCS has been there when she’s needed occasional assistance with paying a bill or assisting with groceries.
Hearing stories such as this brings lightness to my day and to my heart. It’s why I’m so honored to work with the caring, compassionate and professional staff at JFCS, who truly take extra steps to ensure every single person who seeks our help gets it. As I said at the Benefit, JFCS is an amazing organization that can do so much, AND we can do more, if you’ll do more!
Talented and dedicated staff are the key to JFCS, and engaged and committed volunteers and donors provide much of the fuel (support) that allows us to serve the many needs we see.
I’m excited for daylight to begin its return. You are, and can continue to play a role in providing lighter times for people in our community, one person at a time. Enjoy the warmth and specialness of this time of year! I hope you had a Happy Chanukah and a Happy New Year to all!