From the Desk of CEO Judy Halper: November 2017

Glancing out my office window, I see nothing but blue skies and sunshine, and I feel lucky and grateful. Some people might think, “Really????” – November in Minnesota is typically a bit gray and dreary. And it’s not just the weather – those words could easily apply to the state of our world. After all, how many incidents of gun violence can we endure? How many catastrophes involving Mother Nature can we manage? How much stress can we feel about the challenges we and those we love face?
Still, it is almost Thanksgiving and it is the traditional time to note with gratitude the simple pleasures life has to offer. At my holiday celebration, I will be able to catch up with nieces and nephews who will be home, have plenty of delicious food to enjoy and a comfortable home to seal in the warmth of being together. Simple pleasures, indeed, but nothing to take for granted.
As we do throughout the year, Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis (JFCS) will help families who struggle to have happy holidays, too. For those with limited monthly food budgets, we’ll make sure they have grocery store gift certificates to purchase “extras.” We’ll assist people in getting to food shelves such as our partner, PRISM. We’ll deliver Thanksgiving meals in collaboration with the local rotary association and a nearby church, and we’ll offer support to those who are experiencing loneliness or isolation. We do all of this, and we are able to do it because you continue to help.
So, yes, I am operating on short-term memory, resilience, and hopefulness as I glance out my window and appreciate with gratitude the blue sky and bright sunshine! I am thankful for what I have, and incredibly appreciative of the work of this organization that you support! I hope your holidays are joyous and memorable!