Do you know people who may need food?

A list of food resources
Food is an essential service even, as we observe the Minnesota Stay at Home order. These programs are making every effort to remain in operation and do it safely for all by practicing physical distancing.
Meals delivered or to take away—
Times, locations, and services may change. Please check their websites.
- Metro Meals on Wheels,
Accepting new clients who are seniors or people with disabilities, need based. One week’s supply of frozen meals currently being delivered. Cost is based on sliding-fee scale.
- Kosher Meals on Wheels,
Accepting new clients. One week supply of frozen meals delivered. Cost is based on sliding-fee scale.
- Loaves and Fishes,
All sites are currently only providing take-away meals that can be picked up at various dining sites around the state. No registration, no fee.
- Meals for School-Aged Children,
Most school districts and many restaurants are offering free meals for kids, some delivered and some to be picked up. Check with your local school district for details.
Food shelves—
In order to safeguard the health of program participants, staff and volunteers, all food shelves have transitioned to handing out pre-packed boxes of food. Use this link to find the food shelf nearest you:
- PRISM, serving Crystal, Golden Valley, New Hope, Plymouth, Robbinsdale residents, 1220 Zane Avenue N, Golden Valley. Drive up Monday through Thursday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.; no appointment necessary
- STEP, serving St. Louis Park residents, 6812 W Lake Street, Minneapolis. Call to schedule a pick up time: 952-925-4899
- ICA, serving Hopkins, Minnetonka, Excelsior, Shorewood, Deephaven, Greenwood, Woodland residents, 11588 K-tel Drive, Minnetonka. Call for an appointment: 952-938-0729
Government-funded food programs—
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, food stamps)
Provides a monthly financial benefit to be used at stores to buy groceries. The benefit amount varies according to size of household and income. Individuals can check their eligibility and apply online at Or call to speak to JFCS Food Security Coordinator Clare Gravon for a free pre-screening and assistance with your application: 952-417-2118
Able-bodied adults without dependents are especially encouraged to apply before Aug. 31 to access additional months of benefits. Benefits for families and seniors also available based on the usual guidelines. SNAP is a federally funded benefit available to all who qualify.
Please note that Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis continues to provide the same essential services we always do – in new ways –to give you the assistance you need now. Just call JFCS 952-546-0616,