From the Desk of CEO Judy Halper: August 2021

Olympic gymnast Simone Biles will not only be remembered for her incredible talent, but will also be recalled for her willingness to share her struggle with mental health. She made it okay to not be okay, and she presented herself to the world as simply human in spite of her super-human athletic ability.

Aren’t we all calling upon ourselves to be our strongest as we face so much uncertainty? COVID-19, in its new variant form, is requiring us to re-evaluate our everyday functions in order to remain safe. Our brief experience of feeling back to normal is leading us to pivot and adapt once again. Our kids were allowed to attend summer camp, and now they will return to classrooms. We aren’t out of danger, but we are trying really hard to mitigate the threat.
Simone got back out on the balance beam and rebounded from the heavy weight she experienced. We will do the same. There’s little doubt in my mind that Simone didn’t get through her difficult days all on her own. There’s no need to win the Olympic gold for going it alone. Being resourceful, asking for help, leaning on a trusted person to help is really okay, when being okay is out of reach.
Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis recognizes that families need connection, children need mentors, older adults may need rides, grocery assistance, or other support to remain independent, and all of us at some time or another may need support to meet the challenges we face. Our helpful and innovative programs and services, and our caring and compassionate staff are eager to help. We know it’s okay to sometimes not be okay, and we are Here for All. Always.