From the Desk of CEO Judy Halper: August 2023

Some people might think it premature to feel as though summer is ending when the calendar tells us it’s still August and fall doesn’t officially begin until Sep. 23. Yet, the kids are home from summer camp, school is resuming for most students in the next few weeks, and “everything on a stick” – also known as the Great Minnesota Get-together or Minnesota State Fair – opens today. The Fair closes on Labor Day, and let’s face it, pretty much all of us feel that it signals the next season. You can even count on one hand the number of weeks before the start of the Jewish High Holidays.
At Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis, we believe in counting. We measure the service we offer by the amount we provide and the satisfaction with which it is received. We calculate the number of items we’ll need to stock our warehouse for Hag Sameach, our holiday program, ensuring that everyone, regardless of financial ability, will be able to join in the joy of getting and giving gifts. We also monitor the number of people participating in our Kosher Meals on Wheels program, and those who are requesting rides through our Garber Transportation program. We even care about the numbers of people who are preferring to receive counseling via teletherapy versus in-person counseling….49%, in case you’re wondering!

At JFCS, counting matters a lot, and it goes without saying that we count on all of you! We rely on you to help spread the word about JFCS programs and services so that we can promote healthy relationships, ease suffering, and offer support to all who seek our care. Last year, that number was over 13,000. We are grateful to all our volunteers, and there are more than 800 of you, for helping us to meet the many needs of our community. We thank ALL of you for your generous support, enabling JFCS staff to provide the best professional care available with boundless compassion. It’s not too late to make your gift to our GIVE campaign! Together, our numbers are stronger and our impact is greater.
So, if you’re like me, and already counting down the remaining days of summer, don’t despair. The number of minutes of daylight may be diminishing, and the temperatures may soon begin to dip, but the number of ways you can support the work of JFCS are many. And no matter the season, we remain Here for all. Always.