From the Desk of CEO Judy Halper: February 2021

It’s been said that change is inevitable; growth is optional. So many of us feel that time has stood still these past 12 months, as we have endured the effect of the pandemic on our daily lives. Simultaneous with this suspension of normalcy, however, is also the reality that things have actually changed. Like it or not, we have learned to communicate via Zoom and FaceTime, children have adapted to online/”distance learning”, parents have accommodated work from home while balancing home obligations, and businesses have learned how to make our every need available for “curbside pick-up.”
That’s only scratching the surface. Indeed, while time has stood still, babies have been born, loved ones have passed, governments have changed, beloved restaurants and stores have shuttered, and so much more.

As we begin the long process of transitioning to post-COVID life (and I’m not exactly sure when that will even begin), it will be useful to recall not just what we’ve lost, but what we’ve gained as well. To me, that’s what is meant by the inevitability of change, and the potential for growth. It is also a key component to healing and becoming even more resilient.
Some important pandemic developments at Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis that will inform our post-COVID service delivery include providing options to counseling clients about how they receive therapy (in person or virtually); expanded partnerships that will enable JFCS to respond to individuals and families struggling with food security; easier access for the University of Minnesota’s Jewish students seeking mental health assistance; greater ability to connect with isolated seniors through remote service, and much, much more.
We can view the past year as a time when so much was out of our control, and we can also realize how much we were required to change and the ways in which we grew. For more ideas and opportunities to help through and beyond the pandemic, visit our home page. We’re Here for All. Always!