From the Desk of CEO Judy Halper: February 2023

Like many of you, I am trying to wrap my arms around the reality that more than 5 million people have become displaced by the recent earthquakes in Syria and Turkey. That’s right – 5 million – as reported by the governments of the two countries. The disruption and trauma that will accompany all those individuals and families is also hard to comprehend, and for many it will be years, not months, where the impact will be felt.

A world away from such horror and destruction, it is always difficult to know what to do. How can each of us make a difference, or help in some way? While I don’t have an answer, what I know to be true is that we cannot simply look away. Financial contributions may seem so insignificant or inconsequential, but it is one way that we can each help. When disaster strikes, I encourage donations to local Jewish Federations or to the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), where your dollars are delivered 100% to providing relief to those who are suffering.
Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis just celebrated its 113th birthday on Feb. 10th. Back in 1910, when the organization was established, it began with volunteers who didn’t turn away from the impending flood of immigrants and refugees who were fleeing oppression, anti-Semitism, and pogroms, and coming here to start over. Those volunteers helped these newcomers to learn a new language, find employment and housing, and offered resources to assist families with whatever was needed to address the displacement they were experiencing. Our work began in 1910, and it continues today.
Because we know what it’s like to be in crisis and in need, we must not turn away from those who are living such circumstances today. JFCS can do anything, though we might not be able to do everything. However, we can do more with your support and help. Remember, “Just call JFCS,” and we will do what we can to answer your question or offer a referral.
Here for all. Always.