From the Desk of CEO Judy Halper: January 2022

We all know the jokes about parents looking forward to the end of winter vacation so they can send their children back to school. This year that sentiment rang more true than ever before; and unfortunately due to the amount of Omicron virus plaguing our families, neighborhoods and communities, the return for many children has been postponed, or been up and down at best (one day in school, the next day at home). The instability of day-to-day routines for children and their families is clearly taking a toll and most everyone is feeling it.

How does all of this uncertainty affect us? Are we resilient enough to bounce back? Does it help that we are all in this together? I have more questions than answers.
At Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis, the topic of children’s mental health is a top priority. Building resilience in children helps them develop emotional muscle that can be applied to a variety of stress-producing experiences. Listening to their worries and fears validates their experiences, and helps them to learn to manage anxiety. Acknowledging that even grown-ups, teachers, and parents are learning new methods and skills for managing during challenging times can be reassuring to children.
Our many programs serving the needs of children and their families can help when you need fresh ideas, resources, and support. Our website,, provides information about programs and services that deliver mental health, family life education, mentoring, literacy, and connection.
Let’s hope that children will be back to their school routines soon. Let us know how we can be helpful. JFCS is Here For All. Always.