From the Desk of CEO Judy Halper: July 2018

Everywhere you turn for news and information these days seems to include a story or article about longevity. We are literally inundated with features about how healthy we appear to be aging, how vigorous older adults can be, and how seniors’ contributions are so remarkable. Along with these tremendously positive stories, though, are also the worrisome ones of how many people have not financially prepared to live so long, and how middle-age and younger generations are stretching and re-balancing to meet the needs of their aging parents and grandparents. Who could have imagined that so much material would be available to help us navigate this phenomena?!
At Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis, we have strived to be on the cutting edge of preparing older clients and their caregivers for the challenges of living long lives. We offer many services that busy caregivers (children and spouses, etc.) can access in order to care for their loved one, while also caring for themselves and managing their own responsibilities. We understand the complexity of issues that face the “sandwich generation,” and we assist people every day to make the decisions that best fit their circumstances.
Having a compass – guidance on how, when and where to access equipment, programs and services for aging well – is often the ticket to extending successful independent living and aging. We also provide information for necessary critical care when situations arise that require immediate response.
We call this service Care Coordination and our professional staff offers it with boundless compassion. Whether you are wondering about how to evaluate home health care providers, need information about the signs and symptoms of dementia, looking for age-appropriate activities for seniors and family members, or needing an occasional ride or help with shopping, and even tips on healthy nutrition, JFCS Senior Services is the one-shop stop for resources and information. Click here for more information and look for our new “bubble” campaign, where we are anticipating the questions you might have about aging!