From the Desk of CEO Judy Halper: July 2020

Most of us are familiar with the famous line from Confucius that says, “May you live in interesting times.” How very true for what has become known as “The time of COVID.” One day, we will look back and recall how our “normal” lives were suspended. We might also feel some disbelief at the disruption and loss, and possibly some sense of victory or strength too, stemming from our ability to be resilient far beyond what we might have imagined. This “interesting” time has certainly reinforced our ability to work remotely, connect through technology, be extraordinarily planful (think ordering groceries or shopping only once per week), and simply staying distant from those we love and care about. Will there be a time when we shake hands again? Will we stop washing off our groceries? Will we attend massive events? How will we be changed?

At Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis, we have been consistently messaging that this time of COVID has not negatively impacted our ability to serve the community. In all respects, the services and programs that we offered prior to our physically-distanced and remote lives is still being requested and provided. So much of what used to take place person-to-person is still happening; it’s just that technology (phones and computers) are providing the platform for human contact. To the best of our compassionate and caring staff members’ abilities, we are connecting with people who need access to food or other basic and essential resources and delivering counseling and other mental health support, distance education, advocacy, and assistance. We’re even back to offering transportation with drivers whose cars are outfitted with plastic barriers between drivers and passengers!
Not even a pandemic can keep JFCS staff, and in some cases, volunteers, from providing heartfelt and professional mentoring, guidance, insight, and more. No matter the challenge, JFCS is Here For All. Always! Please continue to reach out for information, and visit our website often to learn about the variety of programs that continue to be offered remotely, as well as to learn how you can help.
We live in interesting times. While dealing with illness and worse, we have also experienced tremendous social upheaval in confronting centuries-old systemic inequity, and opened our eyes to realities that must change. JFCS values all our neighbors, because after all, we know what it is like to be seen as different. Remember to vote in the primaries coming up soon. Voting by mail is easy and safe!
We have been challenged, and we have been resilient. Our support for one another and our collective strength will surely help us manage. We will hopefully emerge from this time with appreciation for our blessings.