From the Desk of CEO Judy Halper: June 2023

Managing and maintaining our mental health and the well-being of our families and friends has become an unavoidable topic – and that’s a good thing. There are so many ways we can take small steps to alleviate stress and anxiety, and as such, get more exercise, develop better eating habits, and even get a more productive night of sleep.
Getting outdoors is another way we can proactively address mental health. Though the air quality index has been less than positive lately, and the mosquitos are annoying, there is much to enjoy in soaking up some sunshine (be sure to wear sunscreen), smelling the sweet scents of flowers in bloom, and interacting with folks who have been hibernating over the colder months.

One of the great advantages our Twin Cities offers is a plethora of art fairs and gatherings. No matter how many of these fairs one attends, it’s easy to contiuously enjoy the beat of music and mingling, while admiring the talents of local artists, and enjoying some delicious food truck delicacies.
As we do every June, JFCS and many other local Jewish community organizations and congregations will be present at the Twin Cities Pride festival held at Loring Park on the weekend of June 26-28. In addition to the parade down Hennepin Avenue, our very own Board member and Senior Rabbi of Adath Jeshurun Congregation, Rabbi Aaron Weininger, will be leading Shabbat Services in Loring Park. Our community’s booth is always one of the biggest attractions at the festival, so be sure to stop by if you’re looking to play a game, grab some swag, or meet up with friends. If you’d like to volunteer at the booth or march in the parade, sign up here. Joining all the festivities at Pride weekend is another mental health boosting affair. It’s a fun and uplifting event, welcoming to all.
Mental health is a serious topic, and we can never take for granted that our health (physical and mental) is being sufficiently managed. Like anything else, we need to be mindful in taking care as best we can, and seek out help as needed. JFCS is Here for all. Always – and we have many programs and services to help you manage your health.