From the Desk of CEO Judy Halper: March 2018

In this month’s issue of e-directions, you will find our 2017 Annual Report, which is also on its way to your home, tucked inside our Directions newsletter. I hope you will read the magazine cover to cover, or at least browse the stories and check out the pictures. There is always so much to report! You’ll see our healthy financial outlook and how we budget responsibly in order to serve more than 14,000 people yearly. You’ll also find stories about our talented staff, our dedicated volunteers, our innovative programming, and of course, our new home.
In the Annual Report, the letter from Board President Marc Rubenstein and me mentions how JFCS aspires to achieve amazing results, and we offer the idea of a community where all its members’ needs are met. We demonstrate daily and report yearly on the necessity for our services and the relevance of our programs. JFCS is as committed today to deliver essential services, ease suffering, and offer support as it was in 1910 when we were established.
Just recently, JFCS’ Crisis Team, comprised of licensed social workers and psychologists, was requested by both the Jewish and broad community to respond to several tragedies involving young people. With very little notice, our team of experienced professionals leapt into action and provided counseling, support, and resources to educators, students, parents, and others who were impacted by the circumstances. Our ability to immediately respond with professionalism and boundless compassion is what makes us relevant. We are here for all…Always.
I am thrilled to report that we are all moved into our new building and already looking to new ways of responding to community needs with greater impact. We look forward to remaining innovative, accessible, relevant, and caring for many years to come.