From the Desk of CEO Judy Halper: May 2024

The calendar reminds me that it is still May, but oh, what a month it has been. While I never wish time away, I can honestly say I’m looking forward to June – when I hope things will be just a little calmer and when JFCS will hold its 114th Annual Meeting!
Every May, I think the same thing – people are incredibly busy. There are the joys of graduations; Mother’s Day celebrations; and commemorations including Holocaust Remembrance Day, Memorial Day, and Israel Independence Day. In general, it seems that everything that starts in September comes to a close in May. It’s a lot!

This year, perhaps more than other years, there have been stresses along with the many joys associated with the happy events. Never has it seemed so timely to recognize May as Mental Health Awareness Month. Hopefully you have seen and heard the public service announcements on television and radio, reminding people to manage their mental health and seek help as necessary. We hope you remember JFCS as a great source for mental health education, counseling, and support.
As we look to June, JFCS will celebrate 114 years of service at our Annual Meeting on June 6. Come for lunch and celebration, help us install our new Board Members; and congratulate our amazing staff on their milestone work anniversaries that range from 5 to 35 years!
We also hope to see you at the annual Twin Cities Pride weekend celebration in Loring Park June 29-30. Our community booth is one of the best at the gathering each year, and we look forward to connecting with all those who stop by for information, and to support our LGBTQA+ community.
As we transition into summer and the temperatures heat up, let’s also hope for a bit of a cooling off from the feverish pace of spring. Whether you are looking for strategies to build greater resilience; have the time and want to give more by way of volunteering; need resources to manage healthy transitions; or want activities that will engage your family, look to Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis.
We’re looking forward to summertime, and we are Here for all. Always!
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