From the Desk of CEO Judy Halper: November 2019

JFCS provides opportunities for clients, volunteers and donors to all feel thankful
There is much for which to feel grateful. If you’re a sports fan, you can smile thinking back on the great season our hometown Twins provided this year, or you can feel great satisfaction for the season our Minnesota Golden Gopher football team is having, or for that matter, the Vikings too! For Lynx fans, and those who faithfully follow almost any Gophers women’s sport, there’s plenty of joy too.

If cold weather is your thing, you can rejoice in the winter that has started uncommonly early and will no doubt hang around for several months. If you are blessed with a job/volunteer work that you enjoy, stimulating hobbies and activities, and good health for your friends and family, you indeed have many reasons to feel thankful.
Of course there can be hardships too – not everything is hunky-dory all the time. Support, education, assistance, and sometimes a change in luck is what can help us manage from one set of circumstances to another. Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis is here to help people at any point in their lives. When an unforeseen situation arises, our staff’s professional, objective, and compassionate help can make a difference.
This Thanksgiving, JFCS will be partnering with local churches and civic groups to provide all the fixings for festive meals to families with financial need, which we have done for more than two decades. Our holiday program, Hag Sameach, is also in full gear providing holiday gifts to families in our community who need a little help to celebrate the winter holidays. We have tons of programs for children and families, including PJ Library, Shalom Baby, and J-Pride, designed to brighten up holidays, dark winter days, and so much more! Click here for more information.
We are confident that the people we serve feel thankful for JFCS’ support and feel better as a result of the care they received. Additionally, our volunteers typically say they get way more out of the experience than they give. Our generous donors remain faithful and giving because they’re thankful for the results we provide, in addition to the positive returns on their investment.
“To be good at thanking others, you must be good at accepting thanks from others,” is a phrase I recently heard. As I stated earlier, there is much to feel thankful for this year. I am sincerely grateful to all who seek our help, volunteer with us, and contribute to our strength! Best wishes for a joyous Thanksgiving!