From the Desk of CEO Judy Halper: November 2023

This time of year is often harried and frenetic with preparations for holidays. Many of us take on the heavy load of buying groceries, planning meals, preparing feasts, wrapping gifts, sending invitations, managing schedules, and much more. It starts with high anticipation and Hallmark images of perfection. In reality, the holidays can take a toll on us. Layer in the challenging issues of our world, and trying to balance joy with heartache, and you are left with managing a lot, many would say.

November is National Caregivers Month. When we think of caregivers, we often think of professionals who care for older adults, children, people with disabilities, and so on. While that common perception is true, we should also strive to identify the ways we all serve in various caregiving roles. Many studies have shown caregiving and volunteering are often the best ways to feel more energized and engaged. We hear this at JFCS, where our staff members who work with caregivers and our volunteers who help deliver care and connection remark how good it feels to give back.
Still, caregiving can take a toll. National Caregivers Month encourages all of us to celebrate caregivers every day and to honor the work they do. It also raises awareness of caregiving challenges and helps us to identify ways we offer care to loved ones and other individuals. Yes, caregiving is good for the heart and soul, but only if we are mindful of taking care of ourselves too. Remember that JFCS is an important source of support and education for caregivers. Please reach out if you need assistance.
In these dark months of the year, and in days where it may be harder to find the light, I hope the holidays provide hope and joy to you and your families.