From the Desk of CEO Judy Halper: October 2022

Speaking as a tried and true Minnesotan, I am feeling so grateful for the magnificent fall weather and beautiful foliage we have been treated to these past few weeks. Getting outdoors for walks, Sukkah visits, apple picking and yard clean-up….I hate to see it go! I also enjoy winter (did I mention I’m a tried and true Minnesotan) – still I have to make adjustments during the cold weather months in order to minimize isolation and continue daily activity, like many of you. I accept that everything takes a little more time in winter. We have to factor in more time for layering up, navigating more slowly, and we have to say goodbye to friends and family who winter away. Such is life for hearty Minnesotans.

Important to keep in mind as we transition to the next season are the additional challenges many face with our admittedly too long, too cold winter. At Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis, we can count on the days leading up to Thanksgiving as the starting point for increased requests for financial assistance. The holidays and colder weather make it extra difficult for working families and others who struggle to make ends meet.
For young families who are too often cooped up due to inclement weather, planned events to gather safely with their young children for fun and learning at JFCS’ PJ Library programs can make the difference. For individuals of all ages seeking assistance from expert and caring therapists, but who are nervous to venture out on cold, blustery days, JFCS’ telehealth counseling can make the difference.
For people relying on transportation to get them to appointments or activities to alleviate loneliness, JFCS’ Garber Transportation program can make the difference. For families stretching incomes to provide both fuel for cars, and fuel for stomachs, JFCS’ Food Security Program and emergency shelf-stable food boxes can make the difference. For people with disabilities looking for Chanukah celebrations and other opportunities to connect, our Caring Connections in-person and virtual events can make the difference.
Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis, with our many programs and services, can make the difference for community members who want to remain active and engaged during our many months of winter. We can do more, if you will do more. Please, if you haven’t already contributed to our annual GIVE campaign, consider an end-of-year gift to JFCS to ensure that we will be Here For All. Always.