From the desk of CEO Judy Halper: September 2020

JFCS is the place to turn to during this difficult High Holidays season
Apples and honey, new “Temple” shoes and dresses, a million wishes shared with friends and family for a sweet and healthy New Year, and the incredible sounds blasting from shofars….these have always been some of the things I have found to be synonymous with Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and the Jewish fall holidays. As with everything else in our current pandemic-informed and constrained lives, the holidays will certainly be different this year.
Some of us will attempt to innovate our observances, and tune into Zoom services and family meals, and even don our masks and head out to the orchards for safely distanced apple picking. Others will struggle to find joy at this sacred time. Their experience of isolation, disappointment, fear, and possibly poor health will cause additional hurt and damage accumulated over six months and several seasons. These are the times and the challenges we face.

Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis is the place to turn to now, and any time you are in need of help. We offer a variety of programs and services to address your career needs, mental health needs, financial assistance, care for children and for older adults, and practically anything you can identify. We are here for you, always, and we’ll help you figure out what could be beneficial even when you’re uncertain of what to ask for.
For folks who feel alone at the holidays, JFCS can help with suggestions on how to connect. If you’re wondering about how to make the holidays special for your young children, JFCS has solutions for that too. And if you’re seeking support for grief and loss, or experiencing health-related setbacks, we can provide help for that too. We’ll be here after the holidays as well so you can access the resources you need for job searching or career advancement. Don’t forget our Annual Mental Health Conference is coming up on Oct. 18, where in collaboration with our community’s mental health professionals and organizations, you can experience virtually a full-day of information, resources, and connections.
These may not be the holidays we hoped for and looked forward to, but the calendar says we’re here. Technology is no replacement for actual face-to-face gathering, but what would we do without it? We can still wish one another good health and happiness – even if it’s through the computer screen, just as we can send smiles and support to one another from behind our masks. And the sound of the shofar will be heard – if we listen carefully.
Wishing you, above all else, a year filled with good health.