From the Desk of CEO Judy Halper: September 2022

I’ve heard it said that of all of the senses humans possess, the one that stays with us long after the others do is our sense of hearing. Though this obviously does not hold true for those with profound deafness, it evidently is even the case for people with hearing-impairment. My personal experience supports this. Both of my parents were very hard of hearing late in their lives, but having been with them as they passed, it seemed they were still able to hear right up until their deaths. Visual expressions on their faces as loved ones spoke to them seemed to provide comfort and confirm their ability to hear.

As we near the High Holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, Jewish tradition compels humans to really listen and to hear both our own inner voices, and the words of others. Each new year, as the shofar (rams horn) is sounded during religious services with the intent to call us to attention, we are provided the opportunity to focus and to listen. This year, during this important time as I search for introspection, insight, and reflection, I will also endeavor to listen closely to community members who are in need of being heard, seen, and supported as well. To really hear, we need to listen intently when words are spoken very quietly or never uttered at all.
As we observe the end of one year and the beginning of a new one, we customarily wish for a sweet and healthy year to all those in our network of friends and family. As we do this, we will hopefully be conscious of people who are hurting from isolation, struggling with mental health issues, or consumed with financial distress as well. Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis has well-trained and compassionate staff who hear the concerns of those who seek our help or are referred from helpful sources, and will provide care that sustains healthy relationships , eases suffering, and offers support in times of need. We will listen and hear, as we are Here for all. Always.
Shanah Tova, and warm wishes for a good and meaningful year.