Give2017: We can’t do what we do without you

By Angie Podvin • Donor Services & Annual Campaign Manager
Think about your loyal, tried and true friends and family members. Awww, aren’t they the best? People you can turn to and count on, and who count on you too. That mutually held space reserved in support of one another? It’s pretty important. Crucial even, right? Well, at JFCS, that’s how our board and staff feel about our donors, volunteers and those we serve.
We are extremely thankful for the opportunity and honor to be there for our community and humbled and beyond grateful that our community is, in turn, so generously committed to being there for us. Because of you, no one is turned away due to an inability to pay for services. From counseling to emergency financial or vocational services, we’ve got you covered.
At JFCS, We’re Here For All. Always. On the reciprocal, many of our dedicated supporters are Here For JFCS. Always. To date, 701 of the donors who have contributed to JFCS in 2017 have done so consecutively for 10 or more years, 367 for 20 or more years and 110 for 30 or more years! Thank you, friends and family, for your ongoing and growing support! Many of our donors who began giving in their 20s and 30s have seen JFCS grow right alongside their family. Through partnership and marriage, through the addition of children and grandchildren. It is a delight to see the spirit of tikkun olam – repairing the world – play out from one generation to the next as older individuals instill the importance of giving to younger individuals.
The synergy between JFCS board, staff, volunteers, clients and donors is remarkable. As the largest social service agency in the western suburbs, it’s no coincidence that these interconnected relationships are imperative and mutually responsible for our success in serving thousands of families and individuals of all ages and backgrounds each year. We can’t do what we do without you.
With competing requests for support, we understand that it can be tough to budget and balance charitable contributions throughout the year. Much like our relationships with friends and family, the relationships we have with various causes are personal. While we cherish our long-standing supporters, our new and occasional supporters are equally invaluable. When you give what you can, when you can, your support matters. When you can’t give as much as you’d like to, but still give, your support matters. When you can’t give a financial contribution, but give your time as a volunteer, your support matters.
In our often-tumultuous world, our days get busy. It can be challenging to find the time to get together with those that are near and dear to us and support the causes that matter most. To those who prioritize JFCS, we thank you. Your support affirms that we’re doing something right and allows us to not only continue what we’re doing, but to do so with an ongoing commitment to doing it better through the innovation of existing programs and services and by acknowledging and addressing the changing needs of those we serve.
Please consider a gift to Give2017. Funds raised through our Annual Campaign are used when and where needed most and continue to make a difference in the lives of 14,000 each year. To donate online, click here or call 952-546-0616 to make your donation over the phone.