Introducing new JFCS Board President Natalie Zamansky

Natalie is the former chair of JFCS’ Marketing Committee
Natalie Zamansky was installed as the new JFCS Board President at the agency’s 113th Annual Meeting on June 14 and will serve a two-year term. She recently spoke about what her goals are as Board President:
Why did you originally decide to serve on the JFCS Board of Directors?
After completing the Harry Kay program in 2013, I was compelled to get more actively involved in the Jewish community. I had some familiarity with JFCS through its PJ Library program, but really became acquainted after attending the Annual Benefit as a guest that winter. Shortly after, I received a call from and had a coffee date with CEO Judy Halper – the rest is history! What attracted me at first was the “Jewish” nature of the organization, but what’s kept me involved, no doubt, is its inclusivity and broad reach; the fact that JFCS is “Here for ALL” resonates strongly with me and I am so proud of the work JFCS does around the Twin Cities.
What areas have you focused on during your time on the Board?
During my tenure, I have focused the majority of my time on the Marketing Committee since that’s my professional background. I chaired that committee a few years ago, which led to involvement with Judy and the Executive Leadership Team. I have also helped on the JFCS Strategic Planning Committee and several of the Annual Benefit planning committees. Also, because it’s hard to say “no” around here, I also lent my amateur acting skills (or lack thereof) to the two virtual Benefits!
What are you most excited about in becoming Board President?
I am most excited that I get to keep learning and remain involved with the organization! By the time I felt like I had a handle on all the amazing, important, professional services offered at JFCS, my regular Board terms were coming to an end – 6 years in a blink – so I have been grateful for the extended time. The organization has continued to grow and change and I am excited for what’s to come!
What are your goals for the Board/agency during your two-year term?
My presidency is the first post-COVID term in which we will likely settle on the reality of our new normal. As we all know, there is a time and place for “virtual work,’” but the JFCS clients, staff and volunteers are better when we are engaging interpersonally off the screens. My goal is to bring the Board purposefully together for meaningful interactions that benefit both the individuals and the organization. Similarly, as the community adapts to the post-COVID world, I am excited for our Board – which brings forth a wide range of talents and expertise – to help JFCS lead with innovation, empathy and compassion to meet the changing needs of our community.
Anything else you would like to add?
I love JFCS!