Introducing new NextGen Coordinator Alyson Jones

Alyson Jones is the new JFCS NextGen Coordinator. NextGen provides opportunities for young adults ages 21-36 to develop leadership skills and deepen connections to JFCS and its mission through social and volunteer experiences and philanthropy. Alyson recently spoke about why she’s excited to step into this role.
Why did the NextGen Coordinator position appeal to you?
NextGen and JFCS have become a huge part of my life here in Minnesota. I have had the honor of being a NextGen Board Member for the last three years. NextGen has given me the tools to be a part of the Jewish community in a meaningful way and to volunteer as well as give back. When the opportunity came along to work behind the scenes and join a wonderful team and agency, I knew I needed to take a chance and go for it.

How has NextGen adapted its programming and fundraising mission during the pandemic?
This pandemic has challenged everyone in so many ways. It has challenged NextGen to think outside of our traditional social programing, and find ways to provide volunteering opportunities from home as well as safely in small groups. In the upcoming weeks and months, we will be implementing new ways to interact on social media and provide opportunities to volunteer, as well as a space to learn and educate ourselves.
How do you see the effects of the pandemic or social/racial justice issues impacting NextGen in the coming months and years?
In many ways, everything has changed and in so many ways everything has stayed the same. NextGen still exists to inspire the next generation to connect with one another and the Jewish community through Tikkun Olam (repair of the world). NextGen will continue to use our creativity and find ways to meet the needs of the larger community. Just like the rest of the world, Jewish young adults are here and ready to fight for what is right, educate, learn, grow and provide support in any way we possibly can.