J-Pride and Jewish community a strong presence at Twin Cities Pride weekend

By Isaac Ezra Jennings • J-Pride Program Coordinator
Twin Cities Pride 2023 was an absolute blast! Thank you so much to all the incredible volunteers, community partners, and JFCS staff members who helped staff the booth. We had over a thousand visitors stop by the booth over the course of the weekend to learn about J-Pride and JFCS, and we couldn’t have done it without all of you!

During TC Pride weekend, Rabbi Aaron Weininger and Wendy Goldberg led a beautiful Shabbat service on the Rainbow Stage. J-Pride participants and JFCS staff were joined by congregants and clergy from Mayim Rabim and Mount Zion to walk, dance, and blow bubbles down Hennepin Ave in the Ashley Rukes Pride March. Geri Goldman led a PJ Library storytime and craft activity for local families. On both days, we had incredible rabbis from across the Twin Cities volunteering at the booth, answering questions and sharing fascinating facts with hundreds of community members.
Over and over again, whether shared at the booth or shouted to us during the march, TC Pride attendees expressed their joy and appreciation at seeing queer Jewishness represented and celebrated. Thank you so much to everyone who helped at the booth, joined the march, participated in the service, helped spread the word, or just stopped by to say hi. We hope to see you there again next year!
J-Pride, a program of JFCS, creates community through queer-focused Jewish programming for LGBTQ+ Jews and their allies throughout the Twin Cities. For more information, “like” J-Pride on Facebook or follow us on Instagram!
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