Jeff Barin installed as new JFCS Board President

Barin began volunteering with agency 30 years ago
In the 1980s, Jeff Barin was a single dad who moved away from Minneapolis for a short period of time. His son, who was 9 at the time, was enrolled in JFCS’ Jewish Big Brother/Big Sister Program so he could have a “Big Brother friend.” Jeff said the friendship and time that Richard Cook, his son’s “big” gave him, was so very valuable.

Jeff Barin
“When I moved back to Minneapolis, I became a Big Brother as a way to pay it forward to JFCS for being there for my son,” Jeff said. “It was the first of many great experiences I have had being involved at JFCS.”
Jeff, who has been volunteering with JFCS since then, was installed in June as the new Board President at JFCS’ 109th Annual Meeting. He has been on the Board since 2013 and has served on the Marketing Committee, Business Advisory Council, and Executive Committee.
One of Jeff’s favorite memories with JFCS was volunteering with his family for the Hag Sameach program, helping organize Chanukah gift packages and delivering them to recipients. “My wife thought it would be a great learning lesson for our youngest son; teaching him how to help others in their time of need,” he said, “but I was the one learning a great lesson – how wonderful JFCS is, and what it can do to make other peoples’ lives better.”
Jeff’s professional background is in marketing and advertising and he said it’s been fun to work with a great Marketing Committee, as well as JFCS’ Marketing Communications Director Lori Leavitt, in helping to develop strategic ideas and plans to strengthen JFCS’ message. He added that he is honored to serve as Board President and be able to carry on the work of past presidents and board members to ensure that JFCS continues to grow and prosper.
“I can humbly say that everything I have been involved with at JFCS over the years has brought me more satisfaction and value than I have been able to give,” Jeff said. “Being involved at JFCS has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.”