Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis

Funds for Immediate Use

Career Services
Career Services Fund

Children’s Services
Jewish Youth Mentoring Program Fund
ParentChild+ Fund
PJ Library Program Fund
Shalom Happy Campers Fund
ACT Program Fund for children in memory of Katie Rubio

Community Awareness & Education
Family and Parenting Center Fund
*Family Life Education Fund in memory of Judy Silverman
Healthy Youth – Healthy Communities Fund
Jewish Inclusion Fund for People with Disabilities
Mental Health Education Project Fund
NextGen Program Fund
Nurturing Our Retired Citizens (NORC) Fund

Community Services
Caring Connections
Hag Sameach (Happy Holidays) Fund
Hospice and Healing Fund
Volunteer Resources Fund

Financial Assistance
Emergency Assistance Fund
Food and Basic Needs Fund
Jewish Free Loan Program Fund

Mental Health Services
Addiction and Recovery Fund
Mental Health Support Services Fund
*Counseling Fund in memory of Rae Berman

Older Adult Services
Holocaust Survivors Fund
*JFCS Senior Services Fund in memory of Raye Kreevoy
Jacob Garber Transportation Services Fund

Named Funds for Immediate Use
Eric and Sally Bressler Family Fund to support the Jewish Free Loan Program
Herbert A Chernoff Fund for eye care for children and adults
Kelner-Witebsky Memory Care Fund
to provide family consultations & education for caregivers
MORE for NOW Fund for mortgage or rent emergency assistance
Jon and Diane Rappaport Family Fund for use where most needed
Matt Shapiro Addiction Resource Center Fund: Bringing resources to those affected by addiction
Waller Family Fund to support Older Adult Services and the Jewish Youth Mentoring Program Fund

*Funds named in memory of former JFCS staff members

Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis
Endowment Funds – Providing Support Annually and for the Future

Bill and Bailee Aberman Family Fund for the hearing impaired and for use as needed for client services
David and Joyce Abramson Family – Camp Scholarship Fund for children and youth who, without such scholarships, would be unlikely to have a camp experience
*Anonymous Fund to support the Twin Cities Jewish Healing Program
Anonymous Fund to help improve the quality of life for the elderly who struggle with mental illness
Bob and Sharon Ansel Fund to support adults with disabilities
Darrell and Loni Ansel Family Fund to support programs and services for children
Donna and Alvin Apple Family Fund for use where most needed
Lorraine and Sidney Applebaum Family Fund for use where most needed
Birdie L. Appleman Fund to support programs and services to individuals with developmental disabilities
Molly and Sid Bader Family Fund for children with special needs
Anita and Ben Badiner Family Fund for use where most needed
Bernard and Fern Badzin Fund for use where most needed
Barry K. Baines, M.D. Twin Cities Jewish Healing Program Fund to support the Twin Cities Jewish Healing Program
Margie and Michael Baker Fund to provide scholarships for guidance counseling
Ronald S. Bannack Memorial Fund to support the ParentChild+ program
Barbush/Bartram Fund for use where most needed
Marilyn and Larry Barenbaum Family Fund for older adults and children
Alex, Ben and Jacob Barry Children’s Fund for services to children
Melanie Goldberg Barry and Family Fund for use where most needed
Michael and Etta Barry Family Fund
for use where most needed
Bass/Weinblatt Family Fund to support family programming
Irving and Deane Bassin Senior Assistance Fund to support programs and services for older adults
Ralph and Charlotte Bearman Family Fund to support services for older adults and for vocational programs
Barbara D. and Lee Bearmon Fund to support programs and services to children with special needs
Belzer Family Fund for children and older adults
Jane and Steve Benowitz Fund for assistance with medical and dental needs
Fred and Margo Berdass Family Fund to support services to those in need
Carol and Rick Berg Family Fund to assist children with physical, emotional or intellectual issues
Charlotte and Richard Berman Family Fund for use where most needed
Joanne Ferraro and Robert Beugen Fund to provide cultural scholarships to encourage young people with special interests
Sheri and Les Biller Family Fund for émigré educational scholarships and general programming
Birger/Goldenberg Family Fund to support Jewish Camp Scholarships
Linda and Miles Braufman Family Fund to support older adult services to include assisted transportation, respite care or where most needed
Ghita Davis Brody “Dare to Dream” Healing Get-Away Fund to help children who are ill, and their families, with recreational and cultural needs
Broms Family Fund for use where most needed
*Elaine Budd Special Family Life Education Fund
Caring for Our Children Fund to support programs and services to children with autism spectrum disorders and other disabilities
Chalfen Family Fund for use where most needed
Sarah and Ida Chapman Camp Scholarship Fund
Stuart A. Chazin Young Adult Outreach Fund
Richard and Marilyn Chern Healthcare Assistance Fund for financial assistance with prescription medication, dental or vision care or other medical related expenses
Arvin Cohen Hustle Athletic Fund
to support children and youth to participate in athletic activities
Joe and Fredell Cohen Family Fund for use where most needed
Laura Leiderman Cohen Fund to support the Twin Cities Jewish Healing Program and programs for people with disabilities
Edythe and Haskell Cohodes Special Needs Inclusion Fund to provide staff and resources to children with special needs
Judy and Rod Cooperman Family Fund for use where most needed
Stan Cowle Memorial Fund to support programs and services for older adults
Leo and Yetta Cram Maintenance Minyan Fund to provide household maintenance services to older adults and people with disabilities
Dachis Family Fund for services to children or where most needed
Davidman Family Fund to support education and children’s needs
Jesse Davidson Fund to support services related to substance abuse
Stephen J. Davidson Technology Fund to support technology used to support the services JFCS provides
Ruth Davis Fund to support athletic opportunities for youth
Deikel Family Fund for Mental Health Support Services (MHSS)
Mike and Mitzi Diamond Family Fund for Camp Scholarships
Robert and Susan Diamond Emergency Financial Assistance Fund
Allie and Mark Divine NextGen Fund
Rita and Harold Divine Fund for use where most needed
Domestic Abuse Fund to provide prevention education and training
Domestic Violence Support and Prevention Fund to support victims of domestic violence
Caron H. Dubinsky Fund to provide assistance to single parents and financially-challenged families with school-related costs for Jewish education
Elliott S. Dubinsky Fund to support the ParentChild+ program
Lillian Dubinsky-Wishnick-Muscovitz/Muriel Dubinsky Fund to assist with educational costs for youth with disabilities
Doris and Mischa Dworsky Fund for emergency financial assistance
Peretz Dworsky Fund for use where most needed
AnnRita Edelberg Fund to assist clients who are hearing impaired
Michael Engel Memorial Fund for use where most needed
Michael Engler Children’s Fund to support programs and services for children
Mark and Carol Epstein Family Fund to provide support to children with special needs
Richard and Jennifer Ezrilov Family Fund for use where most needed
Vivian and Bob Ezrilov Fund to support services to children
Corrine & Tom Feinberg Fund to support programs related to Jewish education for children
David E. Feinberg Family Fund for use where most needed
Francine and Neil Feinberg Healing Fund
Joan and Arnold Feinberg Fund for use where most needed
Feinstein/Dworsky/Molever Fund to support JFCS Senior Services and Counseling
*Harry Feinstein Memorial Fund to meet the needs of Russian Jewish immigrant children
Aaron Feuer Fund to provide mental health services for adolescents and young adults
Ida Finne and Janice Kwiat Fund for services to the elderly
Gerda and Haskel Fishman Fund to support seniors services or camp scholarships
Mike and Linda Fiterman Youth Experience Fund to provide youth with special opportunities
Robert and Virginia Forbush Fund for use where most needed
Wendy Fox and Jeff Barin Family Fund for use where most needed
Frank Family Perpetual GIVE Fund to support programs and services
Barbara and Neal Frank Fund for use where most needed
Bruce Frank Fund for use where most needed
Jerry and Sharie Frank Family Fund for mental health services
Libby and Ben Frank Fund to support programs and services for individuals with special needs, with a focus on children
Shirley and Byron Frank Family Fund for JFCS Senior Services
Nancy and Stuart Friedell Family Fund for use where most needed
Gale, Herman, Segal Fund for use where most needed
Renee, Jim and Joan Gainsley Family Fund for use where most needed
*Markus and Sabina Gapany Prescription Drug Fund for the elderly to help with the cost of prescription drugs
Debbie & Mickey Gensler Choose Kindness Fund to offer support and prevention of childhood bullying
Ida and Bernard Gingold Fund for use where most needed
Roy Ginsburg Fund to support JFCS Senior Services
Greg, Tom, and Elliot Glaser-Leder Fund for expenses associated with adoption and child welfare
David and Dorothy Glickson Senior Transportation Fund to support transportation services for older adults
Leah Golberstein Family Fund for the Twin Cities Jewish Healing Program
Gold Family Children’s Fund to provide services to children
Richard H. Goldblatt Healing Fund for use where most needed
Barbara and Steve Goldfarb Designated Fund to benefit the JFCS Jewish Youth Mentoring Program
Cindi and Harold Goldfine Family Fund to support Education and Learning
Sylvia and Arnold Goldman Fund for use where most needed
Lois and Stanley Goodman Family Fund for services to children and young adults, and to support hospice services and programs
Bernice Cowl Gordon Mitzvah Fund for use where most needed
Gary A. Gordon Family Fund for children with special needs
Guita Bearman Gordon Scholarship Fund for women in rabbinical or cantorial studies
Sewell Gordon Scholarship Fund to support educational expenses based on need and merit
Jacob and Golda Gottlieb Twin Cities Free Loan Fund to support the Jewish Free Loan Program in the Twin Cities area
Adeline and Mel Gould Family Fund for use where most needed
Jimmy Grais Fund for Mental Health Support
Arlis and Erwin Grossman Family Fund for use where most needed
Kopple and Anita Hallock Family Fund to provide services for children in foster care, residential placement and other impermanent living situations
Judy and Andy Halper Family Fund for use where most needed
Halpern Green Family Fund for use where most needed
Arlene and Sidney Harris Family Fund for use where most needed
Sid Hartman Fund to support the JFCS Jewish Youth Mentoring Program
Louis & Bessie Heck, Harold & Marion Kaplan and Eugene Heck Memorial Fund for use where most needed
Elissa Heilicher Family Fund for Healthy Family Relationships to support programs and services to combat Jewish domestic abuse
Avron (Ron) C. Heiligman Healing Fund to support activities of the Twin Cities Jewish Healing Program
Jory M. Herman Family Summer Youth Experience Fund to assist youth to attend summer camp or have an Israel experience
*Agnes Berenberg Hoffman Tribute Fund for emergency financial assistance to older adults
Holocaust Survivors Fund for special programs and services for survivors
Sam and Frances Hymanson Scholarship Fund for college scholarships
JGB Fund to support the Jewish Free Loan Program
Mark (Pesach) Jaffe Fund to support services and programs of the Twin Cities Jewish Healing Program
JFCS Bequest Fund for use where most needed
Marvin A. Jolson Fund to support individuals with Parkinson’s Disease and their families
Jeanne and Stan Kagin Family Fund for use where most needed
Bruce R. Kahn Endowment Fund to support services for the elderly
Orlee and Jeffrey Kahn Family Fund for use where most needed
Janice and Steven Kalin Family Fund for use where most needed
Joe and Estelle Kane Family Fund to support JFCS Senior Services
Doug and Cindy Kanter Family Endowment Fund for use where most needed
Carole and Marty Kaplan Family Fund
for use where most needed
Esther and Reuben Kaplan Fund
for educational expenses for single mothers and their children
Michael and Beverly Karch Security and Safety Fund
Bob and Stefanie Karon Fund to support mental health services for adolescents
Maynard Katz Tennis Scholarship Fund to support junior tennis scholarships for young athletes in need of financial assistance
Alvin and Audrey Kaufman Fund for use where most needed
Delores and Robert Kelber Fund for use where most needed
*Margaret Kelen Emergency Aid to the Elderly Fund
Eva, Sheldon, and Marshall Kieffer Campership Fund to provide camp scholarships
Sharon and Marty Kieffer Family Fund
to provide mental health services and support for children and adults with disabilities
Eric King-Smith Academic Scholarship and Mentoring Fund
*Jaeson and Marjorie Kline Tribute Fund for emergency financial assistance to older adults
Deborah and Gary Kohler Fund for use where most needed
Julie and Marc Kozberg Fund to support services to seniors
Grace and Marvin Kramer Fund to provide emergency financial assistance to families with minor children
Nettie and Ben Kramer Family Fund for emergency financial assistance
Kramer/Saxl Family Fund for use where most needed
Max and Eva Krause Memorial Fund to support JFCS Senior Services and Holocaust Survivors
Faye and Mayer Krupp Family Fund for adults with developmental disabilities
Lonia and Leon Kuperman Fund for use where most needed
Jeanette and Max Kurnow Family Fund to provide food, shelter and emergency assistance to people in need
Teresa and Robert Laing Family Fund to provide medical and dental care for children and older adults
Cliff and Susan Lake Family Fund to support services for children
Robin and Bryan Landy Family Fund to support volunteer work at JFCS
Jerry Lavin Memorial Fund to support services and programs to children, with priority to those with special needs
Sam and Betty Lavine Family Fund for use where most needed
Russell F. Lederman for the JFCS Jewish Youth Mentoring Program
Judy Lehrman Fund to support Caring Connections and the Inclusion Program
Angela and Jack Leibman Family Fund for use where most needed
Levenson/Spanier Family Fund to provide mental health support services
Robert and Sally Leventhal Family Fund for use where most needed
Margie and Leo Levie and Family Fund to provide respite care for those who are caregivers for a frail older adult, ill spouse or sick child
Carol and Jerry Levin Family Fund for the JFCS Jewish Youth Mentoring Program and for services to older adults
*Jeanne and Albert Levin Family Fund to provide emergency aid to the elderly
George and Marion Levine Fund for use where most needed
Joan and Robert H. Levine Family Fund for services to children with learning and other disabilities
Sid and Joanie Levinsohn Family Fund for scholarships for higher education
Lucky and Leonard (Butch) Levy Memorial Fund to support recovery and addiction services
Lichtblau Family Fund to provide support to caregivers
Ben and Ruth Liman Family Fund for use where most needed
Lois and Hy Liss Family Fund to provide services to Parkinson’s patients and their families, and to support programs and services to older adults
Jeffrey Locketz Special Needs Trust for Kosher Meals on Wheels and Senior Services programs      
Francelyne and Richard Lurie Family Spirit of JFCS Fund
for use where most needed
Marian Maisel Mental Health and Healing Fund
Malakoff Family Fund
for use where most needed
The Mark & Roberta Mandel Family Food Security Fund so no one will ever be hungry
Hymie and Doris Margolis Fund for special experiences for children
Alyssa and Jon Marker Fund for use where most needed
Jacob, Max and Sam Mars Fund to assist children and youth with physical or emotional disabilities
Metropolitan Mt. Sinai Fund for medical prescriptions and transportation to medical appointments
Paul and Juliana Michel Fund to support Mental Health and Food Security for the elderly and children
Alvin and Mildred Miller Fund for use where most needed
Ben Miller Foundation Fund to support JFCS Senior Services
Beryl and Florence Miller Family Fund to support JFCS Senior Services
Mogilevsky Family Fund for use where most needed
John Morgan Fund for use where most needed
*Joyce and Donald Moscoe Family Emergency Fund
Jeffrey and Gloria Murman Family Fund
for use where most needed
Charles and Candice Nadler Family Fund to support the JFCS Jewish Youth Mentoring Program
Edith and George E. Nadler Fund to provide special services for seniors
Nager Greenberg Fund for educational scholarships for Jewish students based on need
Corky and Bob Neuman Fund for services to children
Harriet and Nathan Newman Family Fund to provide holiday assistance for Jewish older adults
Louis Newman and Rabbi Amy Eilberg Fund to support the Twin Cities Jewish Healing Program
Irv Nudell Special Projects Fund for use where most needed
Jean Nudell Fund to provide financial assistance and special opportunities for single mothers and children
Alice Okrent Hag Sameach Fund to provide holiday toys, items and other goods for families in need
Okrent Wertheim Family Fund for Mental Health Services
Allen and Marcia Oleisky Fund to support transportation and other services for Mental Health Support Services clients
Robert E. Oleisky Fund for young adult outreach and Mental Health Support Services
Abe Olkon Fund to support respite care
Orbuch/Grayson Family Fund to support competitive workforce training
Ruth Paley Family Fund to support staff professional development
Parish Family Fund for use where most needed
Patients Assistance Fund to financially assist with medical services
Alvin and June Perlman Fund to support programs and services for older adults
Richard and Sara Pieser Children’s Fund to support programs and services for children
Scott I. Pink Fund for services to people with chronic mental illness
Marcia and Aaron Pinkus Fund to support inclusion for adults and children with disabilities
Myrna L. Pinto Family Fund for use where most needed
Sharon Plotnick Memorial Fund to support JFCS Senior Services
Margot and Jeno Por Helping Hand Fund to provide non-interest loans or grants, with priority given to single parents and new Americans
Alina and Alexander Portnoy Fund for use where most needed
Steve and Jeanne Prawer Family Fund to support Jewish children and their families by offering positive Jewish role models to children who can benefit from the relationship
Tybie Proman Fund for young adult programs and for services to adults with developmental disabilities
Rafowitz Family Fund to support services related to substance abuse
Amy Susan Raskin Mental Wellness Fund for mental health counseling
Ilana Fay Ratner Fund to provide training and education, emergency financial assistance, and support and advocacy for children with special needs and their families
Sylvia and David Ratner Memorial Fund for JFCS special needs and inclusion programs
Rachel Raviv Hoffer Fund to support the JFCS Jewish Youth Mentoring Program
Lynne & Andrew Redleaf Fund for programs and services to children
Michael and Arlene Reich Fund for kids to experience summer camp
Marvin and Sharon Resnick Family Fund to provide dental services to those in need and transportation services to older adults
Nancy & Kevin Rhein Family Fund for use where most needed
Rollye and Chuck Rinkey Fund for use where most needed
Robbins Family Fund for use where most needed
Roberts Family Fund for emergency financial assistance
Robin Family University Merit Scholarship Fund for educational expenses, based on merit and need
Robins Family Fund to support older adult services
Robinson-Marks Mental Health Fund to support mental health programs and projects
Norton and Bert Rockler Family Fund for vocational programs and for use where
most needed
Roitenberg Family Fund for use where most needed
Rolnick Family Fund for use where most needed
Phyllis and Justin Rosenblatt Fund for services to children
Ricky Rosoff Memorial Fund to support the JFCS Jewish Youth Mentoring Program
David and Eileen Roston Family Fund to support scholarships for Herzl Camp
Marie L. Rothschild Fund for use where most needed
Karen Rubin Hag Sameach Fund to provide holiday toys, items and other goods for families in need
Lisa and Ben Rubin Family Youth Experience Fund to support the JFCS Jewish Youth Mentoring Program
Dr. Manly and Sybil Rubin Family Fund to support the care or shelter of abused children or children in need
William & Jacquie Rudelius Scholarship Fund to provide scholarships to undergraduates in MN State Schools
Max and Linda Rutman Family Fund for use where most needed
Sabes Family Foundation Fund for use where most needed
Sally Salloway Memorial Fund for emergency financial needs of individuals
Saloshin Fund for special services for older adults and émigrés, and to support AlterCare
Connell and Dorothy Saltzman Fund for older adults and children with special needs
Stephen and Suzanne Saltzman Fund to support Alzheimer’s and ALS respite care
Helen and Michael Sandler Fund to support senior services
Clara and Leonard Savitt Family Fund for use where most needed
Savitz Family Tikkun Olam Fund for use where most needed
Sborov Family Fund for services to émigrés from the former Soviet Union and for use where most needed
Irv and Ruth Schloff Family Fund for use where most needed
Albert Schneider Memorial Fund to support services for older adults and appropriate workshops or lectures
Schochet Family Fund for emergency financial assistance
Anita B. Schwartz Fund to support emergency financial assistance to the elderly
Linda and Ivan Schwartzman Fund for use where most needed
*Roz and David Schwartzman Fund for use where most needed
*Martin and Gloria Segal Fund for services to adults with chronic mental illness
Joyce and Stanley Segelbaum Fund for Jewish recovery to support JFCS Addiction and Recovery Services
Millie and Howard Segal Acts of Kindness Fund for use where most needed
Serber Family Fund to support services for children with disabilities
Dick and Rossy Shaller Mentoring Fund to provide adult mentors for children at risk
Leonard and Zetta Shapiro Discretionary Fund for use where most needed
Sam and Lorraine Shark Family Emergency Fund for emergency financial assistance
Carl and Rose Jean Sharpe Family Camp Scholarship Fund for children and youth who, without such scholarships, would be unlikely to have a camping experience
Sidney Shields Simcha Fund to support social and cultural outings for older adults and individuals with disabilities
Monroe J. and Charlotte K. Shine Family Fund for use where most needed
Beverly Siegel Fund to support the Twin Cities Jewish Healing Program
Molly and Alexander Silver Family Fund for use where most needed
Bobby Silverman Memorial Fund for children who are at risk
Loreen and Perry Silverman Fund for use where most needed
Shirley and Frances Snyder Memorial Fund for use where most needed
Evlyn Solomon Fund to support the Jewish Free Loan Program
*Harold and Fleurette Spear Fund for camp scholarships for the Tikvah program at Camp Ramah
Janet Specht Memorial Fund
Jeanette and Allen Spencer Family Fund to support the Jewish Inclusion Fund for people with disabilities
Tracey Popkin Spiwak Fund to support programs in Senior Services
Mark Jon Starr Fund to support services and programs of the Twin Cities Jewish
Healing Program
Rhonda Stein and Stuart Goldenberg Family Fund for use where most needed
Samantha, Ari and Dori Stein Tikkun Olam Fund to support children’s services and where most needed
The Alanna “Loni” and Allan Stillerman Endowment Fund for use where most needed
Marvin and Chelle Stillman Fund to support the Twin Cities Jewish
Healing Program
Stillman Family Foundation Fund for children’s programs and services
Marcia and Larry Swartz Fund to support families in need of emergency financial assistance
Susie and Stuart Swartz Family Fund to support services for children with
special needs
Dr. Ian Swatez Medical Scholarship Fund to support deserving medical students based on merit and need
Hill and Arlene Sweet Fund for use where most needed
Gary and Marsha, Scott and Hindy Tankenoff Families Fund to support hunger relief and hunger support programs
James Tankenoff Family Fund to support programs and services for children
Elizabeth and Mayer Tapper Educational Fund to support career services for individuals with barriers to employment
Sidney and Roslyn Tarshish Family Fund for Jewish educational, camping and travel experiences for children and young adults, and for Jewish individuals to pursue higher education
Taswell-Moscowitz Family Fund for use where most needed
Twin Cities Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender Program Fund for the Jewish community
Twin Cities Jewish Healing Program Fund
Twin Cities Mitzvahs Fund
to support the JFCS Jewish Youth Mentoring Program
Ruth Usem Family Fund to provide services where most needed
Dr. Gary Velick Memorial Fund to provide assistance with medical prescriptions and other medical needs
Jerry Waldman Fund to provide special experiences for children and youth, and professional enrichment for Jewish communal workers
Bruce Walonick Family Fund for counseling and mental health services
Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Fund for services to low-income individuals and families
Weiner Family Fund for innovative projects or for use where most needed
Bob and Barbara Weinstine Fund to support people with learning disabilities
Dr. Martin and Marilyn Weisberg Family Fund to support JFCS Senior Services
Siegfried Weiser Memorial Fund to support services for older adults and émigrés
Dori and Herb Weisman Family Fund for staff self-care training
Steven and Debra Weiss Family Fund to support JFCS Senior Services
Shale and Joan Wilensky Fund to support people with employment issues
Sybil and Seymour Wilensky Family Fund for use where most needed
The WilsonSell Family Fund in Honor of Sheri A. Sell to support Mental Health and Counseling Services
*Norman and Sally Winer Fund to provide emergency financial assistance to low-income older adults and youth
Wiss Family Fund to provide assistance to single parents and their families
Sheldon and Judy Witebsky Family Fund for use where most needed
Anne and Allen Wolf and Stephan Wolf Memorial Fund to support the JFCS Jewish Youth Mentoring Program
Wolfish Family Fund for use where most needed
Fremajane and Blair Wolfson Fund for Emergency Food Assistance
Leo and Helen Wolk Fund for use where most needed
Yesnes/Finkelstein Family Fund to support programs and services for children
Young Women’s Fund to provide financial assistance to women to further their personal growth, education, recreation, fun, familial obligations and other wants and needs. The fund was created by Marshall Silberstein in memory of his wife, Debbie, an outstanding social worker, college instructor and friend to many
Zack Family Fund for use where most needed
David C. Zalk Fund for children and youth
Shirley and Larry Zipkin Transportation Fund
Zouber Family Fund for use where most needed

*Endowment funds designated to JFCS through the Jewish Community Foundation