JFCS introduces newly designed Addiction and Recovery Services program

By Leah Persky, PhD & CFLE • Manager of Family Life Education & Addiction and Recovery Services
We are pleased to announce the newly designed JFCS Addiction and Recovery Services program. The name change and program redesign demonstrates our commitment to serving the community with meaningful and responsive community programming based in the foundations of all of our work at JFCS: tikkun olam, repairing the world one person and one family at a time. Holistic support for families and individuals is needed today; that need is only growing.
Addiction is on the rise in the U.S. The pandemic, political upheaval and many challenging world events over the past years have only increased the number of people suffering from all kinds of addictions. No family is immune from substance use disorder and its impacts. The Pew Research Foundation found that 46 percent of all Americans have a family member or close friend who has experienced substance use disorder.

Alcohol remains the most commonly misused substance, but opioid use is on the rise and is becoming increasingly dangerous as fentanyl becomes more common and is challenging to detect. (For more about fentanyl and why it is so dangerous, click here.) Substance use disorder (SUD) can take many forms, and recognizing SUD as a disease that impacts approximately 10 percent of the population at some point in their lives is a powerful starting point to understanding how common SUD is and how powerfully it can impact communities.
Our current health infrastructure has been slow to recognize and provide accessible, culturally appropriate and holistic supports and paths towards recovery. This means that many individuals and families are suffering directly and indirectly from the effects of substance use disorder. People need support and often struggle to find the help they need to get on the path to recovery. Recovery is a process of healing for the individual suffering from SUD and their family. JFCS Addiction and Recovery Services will provide supports so individuals and families can find and continue along their path to recovery.
An important part of the redesign of Addiction and Recovery Services is that it will now be part of Family Life Education. Our work in Family Life Education is based in prevention, education and collaboration; all of which will allow JFCS to provide meaningful and family-centric addictions and recovery services to support the community. We will serve all people who need addictions support, with some programming specifically tailored for Jewish participants. Just as before, we will not offer addiction treatment, but will offer a variety of supports to individuals, families and the community.
Programming will raise awareness about the disease of addiction, engage in de-stigmatization efforts, provide consultations for families, and engage in training and community education/programming. As we build the program, we will expand our offerings, so stay tuned for more details. Reach out with questions or to discuss anything related to the re-launch of this program.