JFCS invites you to Adopt a Family for Passover!

Each year, JFCS provides referred individuals and families in need with a gift bag of ritual Passover foods and other meaningful items to help celebrate this holiday. As part of JFCS’ Hag Sameach (Happy Holidays) program, this gift is often a family’s only opportunity to obtain the items it needs to celebrate the rich traditions of Passover.
When you make a $36 donation to the Hag Sameach Adopt a Family for Passover program, you truly make this special holiday a happy one for those in need by helping cover the cost of each bag. Last year JFCS served nearly 200 families, and the need will be just as great this year.
Your donation in any amount is greatly appreciated!
Click here to Adopt a Family for Passover, or to volunteer for this wonderful program!