JFCS Senior Services excited to launch virtual Memory Café program

By Lindsay Kant, LGSW • Memory Café Coordinator
Over the years I’ve worked with people with memory loss and their caregivers, I have seen many struggle with social isolation. Many find they are not able to participate in groups and activities in the same way they used to, and social situations can often be overwhelming. With the pandemic keeping everyone at home, isolation among people with dementia and their caregivers has increased.
After Paul’s wife was diagnosed with dementia, the couple started attending a local memory café – a regular meeting place for people with memory loss and their caregivers. It was an activity they looked forward to each week.
Since the first memory cafés formed in the late 1990s, the movement has taken off. Memory cafés can be found in communities around the world. During the pandemic, many have moved to meeting remotely by video conference. Many cafés offer activities, such as music, art and exercise.
Paul’s wife had always been an artist, so she particularly enjoyed the art activities offered at the café. “She was happy being around art, being able to do things, and having a sense of belonging to the group,” Paul said. He enjoyed having an opportunity to connect and form bonds with other caregivers.
JFCS Senior Services is launching our virtual JFCS Memory Café this December. The café will be meeting remotely over Zoom twice per month and will offer activities facilitated by guest instructors, as well as time for participants to talk and connect. Anyone interested in registering should call 952-542-4868 or click here. I’m excited to be part of bringing this program to the community, and believe it will be a valuable way for people with memory loss and their caregivers to stay connected during a particularly isolating time.