Just Call JFCS: It’s not just another tagline

Intake and Resource Connection is JFCS’ first response to requests for help
At JFCS, we like to stress that we are the first place people call for help when they are facing a challenge. However, even people who are aware JFCS provides assistance in a multitude of areas are often unsure what to ask for when they call us. The good news is they don’t have to know – thanks to our hardworking staff in the Intake and Resource Connection (IRC) program, all they have to do is call our main number and they’ll be pointed in the right direction.
The IRC at Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis is our first response to requests for help. A team of clinically trained professionals work to connect you with appropriate resources at JFCS or elsewhere in the community. All calls are confidential.
The Connectors
IRC staff gather resources for people in the community and JFCS staff in every agency department – Aging Services, Career Services, Children and Family Services, Counseling and Mental Health Services, Financial Assistance and Food Security. They are the connectors; they connect people to programs, services and resources both within the agency and in the broader community.
Break down barriers to success
IRC staff partner with other JFCS staff members to help break down barriers to success that our clients may be experiencing. A Career Services client going through a difficult divorce may be struggling to find her individual identity, and wondering what resources might be available. While JFCS’ employment counselors help manage her job placement issues, IRC staff can pull together a list of local support groups and other community resources.
By phone, email and in-person
IRC staff work with people over the phone, via email and in-person, including walk-ins. When people come in saying they need to talk to a social worker, IRC staff are available to meet with them, assess their needs, create a plan for moving forward, and connect them to programs, services, and resources both at JFCS and in the community.
A holistic approach with a quick response
IRC staff are available during regular JFCS hours. They will always return client calls as soon as possible, and usually within just a couple of hours. Many clients have been pleasantly surprised by the quick response time.
IRC works with both JFCS and the community in connecting clients with programs, services, and resources. The staff take a holistic approach to assessment when they speak with community members in order to determine their needs, and work to build relationships with them from their very first contact. Their goal is for the people they serve to feel listened to and cared about.
If you or someone you know needs assistance, just call JFCS at 952-546-0616.