L’Chaim Senior Services changes name to JFCS Senior Services

In an effort to more accurately represent efforts to stay at the forefront of older-adult care, JFCS’ L’Chaim Senior Services – which include transportation, homemaking, grocery shopping, showering assistance, kosher Meals on Wheels and foot care – is changing its name to JFCS Senior Services.

JFCS Senior Services staff
The name change is a result of a strategic planning process JFCS Aging Services began undertaking in January. We researched trends in aging services in Minnesota and nationally, analyzed our current programs, and hosted two community focus groups in early February as part of this process.
We learned from the focus groups that JFCS Senior Services was a far more effective name for our program in sending the message to the greater community of who we serve. At the same time, we will change the name of Case Management to Care Coordination. This change conveys that we effectively coordinate high-quality care for our clients, as opposed to simply “managing their case.”
The strategic planning process created opportunities to look at areas where we can create new ways to share information and bring our services to more people in need. It also helped us look within our departments for efficiencies that will streamline workflow and reduce the amount of required paperwork.
JFCS Senior Services, which supports the dignity and independence of older adults, provides numerous services for seniors that all center on providing highly-personalized care with boundless compassion.