All you need to know about Pride 2017

J-Pride brings together LGBTQ and allied folks in the Jewish community all year round, but June – LGBTQ Pride month – is an especially exciting month. Why June? The history of Pride goes back to the Stonewall Riots, which began on June 28, 1969, at the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar in New York City. Tired of being targeted by law enforcement and police, members of the LGBTQ community decided to fight back when law enforcement and police attempted to raid the bar. Led by some of the most marginalized in the community, Stonewall marked a turning point in the fight for LGBTQ rights.
Now, Pride parades take place in June all over the world, as we celebrate how far the LGBTQ community has come – and think about how much more there is to do. From our annual happy hour to Twin Cities Pride, J-Pride is looking forward to celebrating with all of you. Consider this your “hub” for information, links, and details on all that is happening.
Mark your calendars!
Twin Cities Pride
June 25
Loring Park (1382 Willow St. Minneapolis)
Find J-Pride in Loring Park at booth P086, along 15th Street and across from the Dunn Brothers Coffee.
J-Pride is thrilled to be participating in Pride for the 12th year in a row! The 2017 Twin Cities Pride Festival will be the weekend of June 24-25. As always, our participation will be Sunday-only to respect Shabbat. Our booth will be open to all on Sunday the 25th and our contingent will be doing the Hora on Hennepin in the Parade.
To march with us in the parade, sign up here.
This year, J-Pride is excited to be joined in the parade and the park by Eshel! Eshel works to create understanding and support among traditional and Orthodox communities and provides a place of shelter for Orthodox, frum, and other traditional LGBT Jews. Want to show Orthodox ally-ship? If you identify as Orthodox or have ties to the Orthodox community, wear your identity proud and sign up to receive a free shirt here. For more information about Eshel, contact Miryam Kabakov at
Get involved!
Participate at Twin Cities Pride on June 25—march, volunteer, and spread cheer!
J-Pride booth volunteers will connect with folks who visit the J-Pride booth in Loring Park on Sunday, June 25. Click here for more information. Pick the best time slot for you and sign up here.
We are looking for extra volunteers this year to serve as parade greeters. J-Pride parade greeters will help spread cheer and fun during the Twin Cities Pride Parade, with step off at 11 a.m. on Sunday, June 25. Click here to read more about being a greeter. Sound like something you’re interested in? Email Heather Renetzky ( and let her know why you’re pumped to march with us this year.
For general updates on what’s happening with J-Pride, like J-Pride on Facebook and email Heather ( to be added to the J-Pride email list.
Got questions? Contact Heather Renetzky at or 612-481-1037.