Counseling is a collaborative effort between the counselor and client. Our licensed therapists help clients identify goals and potential solutions to problems that cause emotional turmoil, improve communication and coping skills and symptom management, strengthen self-esteem, promote behavior change, feel better and function at their best. Our counseling services include individual psychotherapy for adults, adolescents & children, couples therapy, play therapy, parenting coaching, grief support and more. Our services are confidential. We accept most insurance including Medicare.
> Meet our Counselors
> Learn more and request a counseling appointment
Addiction and Recovery Services support families and individuals who are impacted by Substance Use Disorder and other addictions. Addiction is a family disease and our programs support the family as a whole. Programming includes education about addiction for diverse audiences, confidential consultations with family members, and referrals to a variety of resources in the Twin Cities and beyond. We work closely with the Professional and Community Education program at JFCS and focus on education, prevention and collaboration to support families and reduce stigma around addiction in all forms. We serve all people, without regard to religious affiliation. Our work is informed by the principles of harm reduction.
Jennifer Fukuda, Addiction Recovery Coordinator 952-542-4837 |
This guide includes both local and national resources to support a variety of addiction and recovery needs. It includes information on support groups, therapists, treatment programs, and online tools. Jewish specific supports are also included. All listings have been vetted by addiction and recovery professional staff at JFCS. This guide will be updated regularly. This project is supported by the Matt Shapiro Addiction Resource Fund, established by Marilyn and Ralph Shapiro in memory of their son, Matt.
Professional case managers assist adults living with mental health challenges by coordinating and obtaining a wide range of services for them, individually tailored to help promote and maintain independence, stability and health. We encourage and promote maintaining healthy relationships with family, friends and community.
This is a dynamic program designed to enhance marital growth and revitalize relationships. The JFCS Counseling Department assists couples of all types – those considering marriage, newly engaged couples, gay/lesbian couples, and those married for years. Through PREPARE/ENRICH, couples can assess their compatibility, learn to resolve differences, handle financial decisions and strengthen their communication skills.
If you or your spouse are considering divorce but are not completely sure that’s the best path, you are in a tough spot. And Discernment Counseling is designed for you. It’s a chance to slowdown, take a breath, and look at your options for your marriage. Discernment Counseling is a new way of helping couples where one person is “leaning out” of the relationship—and not sure that regular marriage counseling would help–and the other is “leaning in”—that is, interested in rebuilding the marriage. The counselor will help you decide whether to try to restore your marriage to health, move toward divorce, or take a time out and decide later.
This program serves Jews and their families encountering life-altering medical situations who are looking for a spiritual connection, but are unaffiliated with a synagogue. The Healing Program has created a vital partnership with Twin Cities hospitals, nursing homes and hospices in an ongoing effort to provide culturally-sensitive care and spiritual support to their Jewish patients.
> View the 2018 Impact Report
Contact: 952-546-0616