Put JFCS on your end-of-year gift list

By Dana Rubin • Development Director
During this time of year, all around us is the hustle and bustle of activity. Traffic seems heavier, stores are crowded, to-do lists are pages long and so many things revolve around giving gifts. It takes a lot of effort to pick out just the right gift for your family, friends and loved ones – but have you ever thought about a gift to yourself?
We often wait until the end of the year to give away our philanthropic dollars. While this is certainly meaningful to thousands of organizations all over the world, what if we think about philanthropy as a gift to ourselves? Your gift makes you feel proud to support impactful organizations and demonstrates you are passionate about helping others. It is especially meaningful to all the people who benefit from your support.
When you are finalizing your end-of-year list, please consider putting JFCS on that gift list and give a gift to yourself. Each year, Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis serves thousands of people in our community, our neighborhoods and our families.
You can choose to support our Give2017 Annual Campaign, your Endowment fund, our New Building (Next Century Campaign) or perhaps you are interested in starting your own named fund or considering leaving a legacy gift to JFCS. We can answer your questions, help guide you in the right direction and ensure that the gift you make is meaningful to you. And don’t forget, your gift can be paid with stock or a distribution from your IRA (for donors who are 70 ½ or older).
For more information or to answer any questions, please contact Dana Rubin, Development Director at 952-542-4803 or drubin@jfcsmpls.org