Supporting Annual Campaign allows JFCS to respond to community’s changing needs

By Dana Rubin • JFCS Development Director
Over the last several months, we have focused our attention on the Next Century Campaign, an opportunity for our community to support the infrastructure of our new permanent home and programs – services that JFCS so proudly and expertly provides to all people. Much appreciation and thanks to all who responded to this campaign and helped us raise nearly $3 million for Capital support, as well as Innovation (programs and services) to ensure that we can continue the work we do without interruption! Soon our Donor Wall will be complete in our lobby with all the donor names added and we encourage everyone to come and see the beautiful and warm mural welcoming ALL to JFCS.
We are now turning our attention to Give2018, the JFCS Annual Campaign. Over the past four years, this campaign has more than doubled in size and funds raised are used where most needed (unrestricted) to sustain our nearly 35 programs and services. Jeremy Kalin, chair of the Give2018 Campaign states, “The Give2018 campaign provides JFCS with flexible funds to continue innovating, responding to the growing and changing needs of the community. As the chair of the Give campaign, it’s a joy to see more than 1,000 donors, giving at all levels, to invest in JFCS and the people we serve every day.”
It is our pleasure to announce that for new gifts of $18 or more, we have an anonymous donor who has agreed to match up to 100 gifts for a total of $1,800. We encourage you to take advantage of this, as we are sure this match will quickly be fulfilled! Thank you in advance for responding to the Give2018 Campaign appeal and continuing to ensure that JFCS is uniquely positioned to serve our community as a one-stop shop for meeting the needs of those we serve. JFCS is Here For All. Always. Without you, Always is not possible.
Click here to contribute to the Give2018 campaign!