A year spent at home: Taking stock and looking forward

By Leah Persky, PhD & Certified Family Life Educator  • Family Life Education Manager I don’t think I have ever spent so much time in my house, and I know this is true for so many of us. The cleaning, cooking, dishes, laundry….did I say dishes? It has been a strange mix of emotions on[...]

Resiliency and positivity in the new year

By Leah Persky, PhD & Certified Family Life Educator  • Family Life Education Manager This year has been one of the hardest times in recent memory for millions of Americans and people across the globe. The challenges we have faced and will continue to face in the months ahead are almo[...]

Planning for a COVID winter

COVID Winter Embracing winter sports, indoor hobbies and hygge By Natalie Quiring-Oleson, MSW, LICSW • JFCS Counselor It seems fall is coming closer to an end, with patches of snow remaining in yards reminding us of the snowstorms of October. Temperatures have fallen considerably, which means yet ag[...]

From the Desk of CEO Judy Halper: August 2020

From the Desk of CEO Judy Halper Finding motivation during the 'dog days of summer' Have you noticed that the “dog days of summer” are here? That’s an old expression meant to identify how many of us begin to feel as summer slowly simmers towards fall. When I was a college kid working at summer camp, I remember the “[...]

The parent coach is in: Compassion and safe-keeping during challenging times

By Leah Persky, PhD & Certified Family Life Educator • Family Life Education Manager What are parents dealing with lately? Well, a lot! They are agonizing over questions of safety; childcare; figuring out how best to engage in physical distancing this summer; thinking about how we can educ[...]

From the Desk of CEO Judy Halper: July 2020

From the Desk of CEO Judy Halper Most of us are familiar with the famous line from Confucius that says, “May you live in interesting times.” How very true for what has become known as “The time of COVID.” One day, we will look back and recall how our “normal” lives were suspended. We might also feel some disbelief at t[...]