Tim ‘re-packages’ himself and returns to the workforce!

Tim (not his real name) turned to JFCS Career Services for assistance after having been out of work for five years. He quickly learned that working with JFCS was a great value and well worth the financial investment in his future. During his unemployment, Tim had been a caregiver for a family member while his wife had financially supported the family. At age 53, Tim was ready to contribute to the family income with a new or modified career and knew that he needed assistance to reach his goals.
Having been a business executive in a high-level, high-stress position in the past, he knew he wanted a change that provided meaning, purpose and satisfaction – a job that provided work/life balance was high on his list of needs. He had a significant level of anxiety around the job search and felt his age would be a barrier for him. He had not had to seek employment for many years.
Tim called JFCS and after a short intake process, was matched with an employment specialist. Together they worked on creating a professional brand in all parts of his job search, including his résumé, cover letters, LinkedIn profile and interview approach. After his employment specialist assisted Tim in crafting his résumé, he responded:
It is really coming together! You made such great points during our session and I plan on having more with you to work on cover letters and my interview skills. You have and continue to be a great help and a fantastic resource. Thank you so much!
Tim fully engaged in all the services JFCS has to offer. He attended our Professional Networking Group and Employer Breakfasts. He met with the JFCS business relations manager to enhance connections to employers. He completed our online preparation classes and met with his employment specialist on a regular basis, integrating all of the expert assistance she had to offer. Together they continually worked towards his goals.
All of this hard work paid off. Recently Tim landed a position at an organization that is a terrific fit for him. He is earning a great salary doing work he loves and is able to live a life consistent with his values. After he got the great news about his new position, he sent the following email to his employment specialist:
Your support and the support of JFCS has played a major role in my ability to “repackage” myself and pitch my skills to potential employers. I’ll keep you in the loop as this position progresses! Thank you so much for your support! It has made all the difference in the world for my success and growth in confidence. Being over 50 and out of the workforce for about five years made the entry process difficult and at times very discouraging. Thank you for your help to move forward and find success and a place for myself in the workforce.
JFCS Career Services can make a difference. If you or someone you know is ready to make a change in careers or re-enter the workforce, call us. We are caring professionals who are ready to assist you on your journey. Like Tim, you can make an investment that will pay off for years to come.