Nov. 13 was World Kindness Day

By Leah Persky • Family Life Education Manager
On Nov. 13 World Kindness Day is celebrated around the world. Kindness can be practiced year-round; we can all do our part to make someone else’s day, or use this as an excuse to be kind to ourselves!
While you probably have lots of ideas up your sleeve, here are a few to get you started. Remember, one small smile can create a big ripple effect and could be passed along all day!

- Buy a coffee for a co-worker or the person behind you in line
- Donate food or unwanted items to local organizations
- Bring a treat to a neighbor
- Let that car into the merge lane in front you
- Reach out to a friend or family member you haven’t spoken to in awhile
- Make an effort to spend time with people who are different from you. Listen with compassion and understanding to their views and ideas.
- Pick up a few pieces of trash you come across on your daily travels
- Smile at a stranger
- Write thank-you notes to teachers or other helpers in your life
- Write a list of things you are grateful for
Click here for more and ideas and inspiration! At JFCS, our work is inspired by “tikkun olam,” repairing the world – kindness and care for others are the foundation of our work.
One small contribution we are making this week is partnering with Meadowbrook Elementary School in Golden Valley at its upcoming Service Night. At this event, families and community members come together to do good together. We will work on decorating Thanksgiving cards for Meals on Wheels recipients for meal delivery on Thanksgiving Day. We are happy and proud to take part in this event, which will spread kindness to hundreds of people in our community.