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  2. Venues
  3. Queermunity
Events at this venue

J-Pride Cultural Café: Reading Yiddish Poetry

Queermunity 3036 Hennepin Ave, Minneapolis, MN

March 18 6-8pm Queermunity - 3036 Hennepin Ave, Minneapolis In this month's Yiddish Cultural Cafe, writer and translator Reyzl Grace will introduce participants to the history and cultural significance of Yiddish-language poetry in expressing, contesting, and reinventing Ashkenazi Jewish identity. Special attention will be paid to women, LGBTQ, and other marginalized poets whose work opens... Read more »

J-Pride Cultural Café: Writing Yiddish Poetry

Queermunity 3036 Hennepin Ave, Minneapolis, MN

April 22 6-8pm Queermunity - 3036 Hennepin Ave, Minneapolis In this month’s Yiddish Cultural Café, writer and translator Reyzl Grace will share insights into her own practice as a contemporary poet working in Yiddish. Drawing on her background in history and linguistics, she will show how her poetry benefits from the unique characteristics of the... Read more »