Intake and Resource Connection: A trusting voice at JFCS’ front door

At JFCS, we like to stress that we are the first place people call for help when they are facing a challenge. However, even people who are aware JFCS provides assistance in a multitude of areas are often unsure what to ask for when they call us. The good news is they don’t have to know – thanks[...]

Give2017: Generations of Change

By Angie Podvin • Donor Services & Annual Campaign Manager   David and Esther’s (pseudonyms) story begins nearly 30 years ago, when they first turned to JFCS for help. They and their three children were facing chronic homelessness due to their ongoing challenges in maintaining steady[...]

From the desk of CEO Judy Halper – September 2017

From the Desk of CEO Judy Halper It seems that we are in constant states of shock these days. If we aren’t reeling from changes in conventional government and political stances, we are stunned by the power of Mother Nature and the havoc she is wreaking on so many Americans and people of other nations around the globe. Somedays it[...]