JFCS Career Services is excited to announce its participation in a new nationwide network designed to provide jobseekers with all the assistance, resources, and tools they need to find work, regardless of where t[...] From the Desk of CEO Judy Halper: January 2022
Posted 3 years ago
We all know the jokes about parents looking forward to the end of winter vacation so they can send their children back to school. This year that sentiment rang more true than ever before; and unfortunately due to[...] Staff Q&A: Inclusion Program Manager Stacey Spencer
Posted 3 years ago
How long have you worked at JFCS and what roles have you held?
I just started my 15th year working at JFCS and it is a milestone anniversary that I am very proud of! I began my work journey as the first h[...] Volunteer Spotlight January 2022: Kori Savitt
Posted 3 years ago
Kori Savitt, with her husband, Charles
Can you tell us a little about yourself?
I’m a mom of three beautiful daughters and two great son-in-laws, a Baubie to three perfect grandkids, and I’ve been m[...]