The productivity trap By Samantha Shepherd, MSW, LICSW • JFCS Therapist “There’s not enough time in the day…” “I’m so tired after work…” “I wish I had time for that…” So many folks have internalized messa[...]
Supporting a loved one in recovery during the holidays  By Jennifer Fukuda • Addiction and Recovery Services Program Coordinator  The holidays are fast approaching, and they bring a mix of joy, anticipation, fun, stress, and overwhelm. The American Psychological[...]
From the Desk of CEO Judy Halper: November 2024 Judy Desk blog - laptop with plant and coffee cup This time of year always seems like the kick-off to non-stop thoughts about food. The holidays, beginning with Thanksgiving and going all the way through New Year’s, are like a smorgasbord of food planning, men[...]
JFCS to honor Jacob Garber’s legacy of giving Friends of the Family Award Friends of the Family Award will be presented at the JFCS Annual Benefit in memory of Jacob Garber, who died in 2014 Jacob Garber’s father died when he was just a kid – he watched when his recently wid[...]
Let’s talk about Naloxone  By Jennifer Fukuda • Addiction and Recovery Services Program Coordinator   Naloxone (also known by the brand name Narcan) is a lifesaving tool that has been used for decades to reverse the effects of an o[...]
The presidential election is over – now what? By Leah Persky, PhD & CFLE • Parent Coach and Manager of Professional and Community Education The election is finally over and no matter how you feel about the results, there is no doubt it is a time ful[...]