By Angela Cowan, MSW, LICSW • Counseling Manager & Therapist
Throughout the month of May, landmarks around Minnesota have displayed green lights in recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month. Duri[...]
By Samantha Shepherd, LICSW • JFCS Therapist
Part of my clinical practice as a psychotherapist at Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis focuses on supporting the mind-body connection. The bio[...]
By Michel Rousseau • JFCS Therapist
A large part of my clinical practice as a psychotherapist at Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis focuses on supporting those who are grieving. Even thoug[...]
The future of crisis response
By Samantha Shepherd, MSW, LICSW • JFCS Therapist
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), in 2020, someone in this country died of suicide every 11 minute[...]
By Jill Kozberg • JFCS Mental Health and Senior Services Director
September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. This is a critical topic for all of us to know about, think about, and talk about. According[...]
By Danielle Rodin, Fatuma Noor, and Tamima Adan • JFCS Targeted Case Managers
Every May since 1949 we have been reminded of the importance of caring for our mental health by recognizing Mental Health Awarene[...]
By Becca Hotchkiss, LICSW • JFCS Counselor
“Birds fly, fish swim, and children play”– Garry Landreth
I love this quote by Landreth, founder of the largest play therapy training center in the world, [...]
Becca Hotchkiss, MSW, LICSW
(she/her) All of us are faced with experiences in life that are scary and difficult, with which we could use some help. Using warmth, gentleness, and humor, Becca’s goal [...]
JFCS’ 33rd Annual Benefit Fund-a-Need will raise money for programs that provide support for mental health and emotional well-being
As we approach the two-year mark of living with an evolving pandemic, w[...]
JFCS has multiple programs that support mental health across people's life spans
By Ali DeCamillis, MS, ATR, LPCC • Counseling Manager and Laine Bermansohn, MA, LPCC • Mental Health and Senior Services[...]