By Dana Rubin • Development Director
At Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis, serving people of all backgrounds is critical to our mission. We are proud to share this wherever and w[...]
By Christina DeVries • JFCS Grants Writer
As JFCS’ Annual Campaign, Give2017, kicks off, we are sharing personal stories from people about why they give to the campaign.
I am someone [...]
By Deb Savitt • Community Involvement Manager
Hag Sameach means happy holidays, and the JFCS Hag Sameach program has been synonymous with providing overflowing bags of Chanukah or holiday gifts for [...]
By Angie Podvin • Donor Services & Annual Campaign Manager
With deep gratitude, JFCS Board and Staff would like to thank those who supported Give2016. Through the collective generosity of more t[...]